
Owner Sets Cliffhanger Mansion on Fire

Bianca Ortega   | Jun 16, 2014 03:52 PM EDT

Homeowner Rob Webb set his luxury cliffhanger mansion in Texas on fire because it had been dangerously hanging 75 meters above Lake Whitney after a large chunk of ground gave way under the abandoned house. read more

Starbucks Offers To Fund Employees' College Education

Katie Collom   | Jun 16, 2014 05:51 AM EDT

Starbucks will be starting a new program which will offer U.S. employees the opportunity to obtain a degree at Arizona State University at a discounted rate. read more

Bulletproof Blankets May Not be the Best Solution amid Tornados and School Shootings

Abhinav Sethi   | Jun 16, 2014 03:38 AM EDT

In the wake of the 2012 school shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School, and the 2013 tornado that struck Moore, Oklahoma, the need for a solution arose, and Steve Walker decided to provide one with bulletproof blankets. But is it really promising? read more

Drunk-Driving Incidents To Increase In China Following The Start Of The World Cup

Acsilyn Miyazaki   | Jun 15, 2014 03:21 PM EDT

Chinese authorities fear that drunk-driving will increase following the start of the month-long 2014 FIFA World Cup series. read more

Police Arrest Chinese Human Rights Lawyer Pu Zhiqiang

Bianca Ortega   | Jun 14, 2014 09:39 AM EDT

Police have arrested prominent Chinese human rights lawyer Pu Zhiqiang in Beijing as part of the ruling Communist Party’s mission to punish those who criticize the government. read more

Israel Celebrates Its Annual Week-Long Gay Pride Parade

Christl Leong   | Jun 14, 2014 04:35 AM EDT

More than 100,000 people flocked to the streets of Tel Aviv, Israel's coastal commercial capital, on Friday to celebrate the launch of the week-long 16th Annual Gay Pride Parade on Friday. read more

Paris' Love Lock Bridge Collapses Under Weight of Thousands of Padlocks

Katie Collom   | Jun 13, 2014 10:06 PM EDT

A portion of the iconic Pont des Arts bridge in Paris collapsed under the weight of thousands of locks earlier this week, forcing authorities to close off the area. It is common practice for tourists to write names on padlocks and attach them to the bridge. read more

Woman Who Drove with Dying Man on Car Gets Prison Time

Katie Collom   | Jun 13, 2014 09:44 PM EDT

A substance-abuse counselor who hit a pedestrian and drove for another 2 miles with the dying man on her windshield has been sentenced to 55 years to life in prison. read more

Two More Women Found Hanging from Trees in India; Woman Gang Raped by Police

Christl Leong   | Jun 13, 2014 09:17 AM EDT

Two more women were found hanged on trees in Uttar Pradesh, India, while another alleges that she was gang raped in a police station. read more

Tickets to Outer Space Selling Fast in China

Katie Collom   | Jun 13, 2014 03:42 AM EDT

China's wealthy now have the option of purchasing tickets for travel to outer space via the website The tickets cost an average of $96,500 and over 300 sold within the first few minutes of open orders on Thursday. read more

Urns Containing Ashes of Chinese Soldiers Killed in WWII Returned to Rightful Home

Katie Collom   | Jun 13, 2014 03:41 AM EDT

24 urns containing the remains of Chinese soldiers who died defending Myanmar against Japanese aggression from 1942-45 were placed in Tenchong county's national martyr's cemetery on Thursday. The 24 urns represent the return of over 600 Chinese soldiers believed to be buried at the Yunnan-Myanmar border. read more

China’s Supreme Court Overturns Death Sentence in High-Profile Rape Case

Bianca Ortega   | Jun 13, 2014 01:52 AM EDT

China’s Supreme Court reversed the death sentences for two suspects in a high-profile kidnapping and rape case on Thursday, causing the public to burn with fury and to lambaste the judge who overturned the ruling. read more

Two Drug Addicts Apprehended In Zhejiang For Public Disturbance

Acsilyn Miyazaki   | Jun 12, 2014 09:20 AM EDT

Two drug addicts were arrested over separate incidents that caused public disturbance in Zhejiang on Thursday. read more

Want to Really Strengthen Your Immune System? Fast Twice a Year

Arthur Dominic Villasanta   | Jun 12, 2014 08:29 AM EDT

Fasting regenerates a healthy immune system. read more

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