03/04/2025 08:58:48 am

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Barack Obama

Grave mistake

John Kerry Calls 2003 Invasion of Iraq a “Grave Mistake”

U.S. State Secretary John Kerry considers the 2003 invasion of Iraq a huge mistake by the administration of then U.S. president George W. Bush. The statement is expected to draw rebuke from his former senate colleagues. He voted in 2002 to support the invasion.

German Prosecutors Open Investigation Into U.S. Surveillance of Merkel’s Phone

Chief Prosecutor Harold Range formally launched an investigation regarding the tapping of Chancellor Angela Merkel's phone on Tuesday, nearly half a year since Edward Snowden revealed that the U.S. government had been listening in on Merkel's phone conversations last October.

General Eric Shinseki Resigns From Scandal-Ridden Veterans Affairs

Veterans Affairs secretary Eric Shinseki resigned from his post saying he has been a distraction to the agency from quickly resolving the issues it is currently confronted with.

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney Steps Down From Office

US President Barack Obama said goodbye to his press secretary of three years, Jay Carney, on Friday, in an announcement that took the White House Press Corps by complete surprise, coming as it did on the same day that the president had announced the resignation of embattled Veterans Affairs head Eric Shinseki.

Secret Obama-Clinton Meeting At White House Criticized For Lack Of Transparency

On Thursday, the White House tried to keep the lunch between U.S. President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton private, but a Tweet of a People Magazine reporter - later deleted, then re-posted on the same day -- made the meeting public and was later criticized.

Whistleblower Edward Snowden Claims He Was A Trained Spy

In his first ever interview for American TV, fugitive and whistleblower Edward Snowden refutes Obama's claim that he was a lowly system administrator, stating he was a trained spy.

President Barack Obama

Memorial Day: Fallen Heroes Remembered

US veterans and fallen heroes were remembered during the annual Memorial Day celebration with events happening across the country.

Obama & the bridge

Obama Seeks Approval For Transpo Project, Chided U.S. Congress

U.S. President Barack Obama spoke on Wednesday urging the U.S. Congress to approve a transportation bill that will hasten infrastructure project approvals across the nation.

Barack Obama

President Barack Obama Reaffirms US Position On China-Japan Territorial Dispute

US President Barack Obama says the United States is backing up Japan in a territorial dispute against China.

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