03/04/2025 03:19:19 am

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Mask, Glove, Sanitizer

California To Buy 200 Million Masks Worth $1 Billion In Fight Against Widespread Coronavirus

The state of California is looking to allocate almost $1 billion per month to purchase up to 200 million masks to improve its arsenal of protective health gear in the global fight against the coronavirus.

Climate leaders

California and China Partner to Combat Climate Change

"California's leading, China's leading," said Gov. Brown after he met with Xi.

Ready for the pod races

Pod Races at SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition begin Jan. 27

These specially designed pods will compete in "pod races" inside a 1.6 kilometer-long subscale SpaceX Hyperloop test track that will be a partial vacuum.


NASA, FEMA Simulate Asteroid Strike on Los Angeles; Agree on the Best Option for Survival

The scenario was based on the premise an asteroid discovered this year would hit the Earth with certainty in four years' time.


Wind Turbines Killing Both Local and Migratory Birds in Large Numbers

One study, however, claims wind turbines will kill 1.4 million birds yearly by 2030.

New fault

New Fault in Earthquake-Prone Southern California might influence San Andreas Fault

The presence of the Salton Trough Fault, which runs parallel to the San Andreas Fault, could impact current seismic hazard models.

Where next?

Earthquake Swarm Increases Chance of Big California Earthquake

Scientists say major earthquakes occur in Southern California about once every 150 or 200 years.

Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian Shows Off Slimmed Down Physique on Father's Day

It's obvious that reality TV star Kim Kardashian loves being the center of attention and in true fashion the mother two made sure all eyes were on her as she celebrated Father's Day with her husband on Sunday.

Microsoft Corporation sued US government on data protection

Microsoft Sues US Over Secret Customer Data Access

Microsoft Corporation has sued the US government for the right to tell its customers when a government agency is asking for access to the details of their email contents.

China has set a record-high investment across the United States

Chinese Investment in the United States to Double

China's direct investment in the United States is on track to hit a $30 billion mark this year, according to a study conducted by research firm Rhodium Group and the National Committee on US-China Relations.

Google Self-Driving Cars

California DMV Wants Driverless Cars to Have Drivers

The California Department of Motor Vehicles has released a proposal that requires drivers to be present inside the driverless car when it runs on the road.

Scientists studied 30 California sea lions undergoing veterinary care and rehabilitation at The Marine Mammal Center in Sausalito.

California Sea Lions Suffer Brain Damage and Memory Loss from Toxic Algae

Researchers have determined that sea lions in California are becoming stranded more often from brain damage, due to a toxic marine algae.

California Mass Shooting

California Authorities Probe Possible Militant Link in San Bernardino Mass Shooting

Authorities are looking at a possible militant connection following a mass shooting in San Bernardino, California that killed 14 people and wounded 21 others.

E. coli Bacteria Affects Several States in the U.S.

E. Coli Bacteria Outbreak Hits U.S., Sickens 19

E. coli virus has affected America and hits several states. Nineteen people have reportedly become ill, NBC News reports.

Jerry Yan Moves On From Lin Chi-ling, Has A new Love Interest

Jerry Yan Moves On From Lin Chi-ling, Rumored To Be Dating A Taiwanese Model

Taiwanese actor and pop singer Jerry Yan, whose personal life has been hounded by fans and media, has finally found a new love interest, according to Asian Pop News.

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