03/04/2025 05:19:20 am

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Need New Name

France's Foreign Minister Wants New Name for Islamic State Extremists

French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius wants a new name for Islamic extremists that have been sowing terror in Iraq and Syria, killing hundreds of innocent civilians and unarmed soldiers, and executing at least two American journalists.

ISIS Militants

Iraqi Refugee Tells Stories Of Pre-War Iraq, Says U.S. Caused ISIS Uprising

Saif Al-Azzawi, an Iraqi refugee, discussed the time when his country was still peaceful and said that the United States had a hand in the uprising of the Islamic State of Syria and Iraq (ISIS) militants.

Obama To Provide Arms For Syrian Opposition Without Congress Approval

United States' President Barack Obama will be asking the U.S. Congress to quickly authorize the training and arming of the Syrian opposition forces and if necessary, will do so even without Congress' approval.

United States President Barack Obama

Lawmakers Doubt Obama's Plans Against Islamic State, Legislative Approval Still Needed

Another election-related issue has dawned upon the White House as the Congress debates about the plans of United States President Barack Obama to go on the offensive against the Islamic State that lawmakers say they need to approve.

US fighter jets strike ISIS

U.S. Military Launched Airstrikes Around Iraq's Haditha Dam

The United States military announced on Sunday that it launched air strikes around Iraq’s Haditha Dam to target the Islamic State rebels to prevent the insurgents from building a stronghold in the dam.

Islamic State (IS)

Senior ISIS Commander Reported Dead, Dozens Abducted, Killed in Baghdad

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) may have just suffered a massive loss after reports that the organization's Abu Hajar al-Suri, the group's second highest ranking official, has died Thursday.


ISIS Establishes Government In Northeast Syria

Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) fighters under chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi were able to build a similar structure of a modern government in Syria's eastern province of Raqqa in less than a year.

David Cameron and Barack Obama

U.K. To Launch Airstrikes Against ISIS Within Weeks

British Prime Minister David Cameron hinted on Thursday at British involvement against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) by carrying out air strikes that will begin within weeks.

vice president

U.S. Vice President to Islamic State Militants: 'We Will Follow You to the Gates of Hell'

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden Wednesday warned Islamic State militants who executed James Foley and Steven Sotloff that the U.S. would not stop until they were brought to justice and punished for their crimes.

Chinese ISIS

Did The Iraqi Army Capture A Chinese ISIS Fighter?

A pair of photos posted on Facebook from the Iraqi Ministry of Defense shows what may be the first case of an ethnic Han Chinese national fighting for the cause of the Islamic State, also known as ISIS

Barack Obama

U.S. Increases Involvement In Syria To Defeat ISIS

The United States government is increasing its involvement in Syria to defeat the Islamic militants, but experts are still debating whether the country should take an active role in Syria or not, reports said.

US troops

U.S. Pres. Barack Obama Sends 350 Additional Military Forces To Iraq

President Barack Obama authorized the deployment of an additional 350 U.S. troops in Baghdad to protect the U.S. Embassy and its support facilities in the capital, the White House said on Tuesday.

Mark Kirk

Republican Sen. Mark Kirk: Obama Should ‘Bomb The Hell’ Out Of ISIS

Republican U.S. Senator Mark Kirk urged the United States government to launch a fierce offensive against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

Islamic State (IS)

Steven Sotloff’s Execution Proves ISIS Will Not Negotiate

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant's (ISIS) execution of Steven Stoloff only proved they never intended to negotiate with the U.S. or its allies.

ISIS Militants

Muslims React to Brutal Beheading: ISIS Is Not Islam

Muslim communities in the US and Canada are condemning ISIS and criticizing their brutal tactics, saying that the militant group is not an accurate representation of the peaceful Islamic religion.

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