02/23/2025 01:44:41 am

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Cheap underwater drone

MIT Develops Underwater Robots to Detect Smuggled Contraband

This football shaped robot uses ultrasound to examine the ship's outer hull.

Robots hand

Tactile Sensor Gives Robots Novel Dexterity

Northeastern University and MIT scientists installed a robot with high-end sensors that gave the machine unprecedented mobility in its hands.

MIT's robot cheetah can sprint up tp 30 miles per hour using a unique algorithm.

MIT Develops Incredible Robot Cheetah that Runs up to 30 mph

Sprinters such as Usain Bolt, who is the fastest person on Earth, don't cycle their legs at a really fast rate to run faster.

Robotic exoskeleton allows paraplegic woman to regain mobility

3D Printed Exoskeleton Helps Paraplegic Woman Regain Mobility

This project represents a milestone in technology and human creativity.

Nao Robot

Robots Help Children with Autism Improve Their Lives

The idea is to eventually give every child a personalized robot dedicated to providing motivation and praise.

Robot Restaurant

I'll Be Back: Chinese Restaurant Uses Robots As Waitstaff

It's not "The Terminator." Really.

Harvard Kilobots

Harvard Research Makes Thousand-Strong Robot Armies Possible

The capability to command 1,000 robot opens the door to commanding many thousands more.

Robotic library

Robot Librarians Incite More Students to Read

The demand for books has been steady since the system opened in July.


Scientists are Building Robot Octopi for Underwater Missions

A multiarmed prototype has been developed.

Scientists Invent Powered Fingers that Move Like the Real Thing

Two extra robotic fingers to help everyday chores.

Living Muscle Powered Robots

Behold, Robots Powered by Living Muscle

Using muscle makes it easier to program the robots.

Magnus, Robot Fighter

Musk Warns That the Terminators are Coming

There's no place on Earth we'll be safe from them unless...


Can Robots Read Novels And Write Music? Apparently, They Can

Robots are now capable of reading novels and can turn those texts into short pieces of music, according to a report by Popular Science.

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