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The IRIS mission

NASA IRIS Data Reveals Incredible Plasma Bombs in the Sun's Atmosphere

New studies reveal new solar activity in the sun called nanoflares and plasma bombs.

The solar filament on the surface of the sun

SDO Monitors Giant Sun Filament

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Solar Dynamics Observatory, or SDO, has observed a gigantic filament on the surface of the sun over the course of several days.

Sun in X-Ray

Harvesting Hydrogen Fuel with Solar Energy

Michael Grätzel and his team at the Laboratory of Photonics and Interfaces at École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne in Sweden have developed dye solar cells that imitate the photosynthesis in plants and techniques for making fuels, such as hydrogen, through solar water splitting.

The Sun

Solar Explosions Modeled in Computers

Researchers examined what happens when explosions occur on the surface of the Sun.

Tailings pond

Solar Powered Process Could Transform Oil Sands Tailings Reclamation

Since the process is powered by solar energy, the cost will be minimal compared to existing methods currently being used in the field.

The massive X-class Flare on June 6

Sun Erupts With Powerful Earth-Aimed Solar Flare

The large flare, which was ejected from a region of the sun facing the Earth, affected radio communications in the upper atmosphere.

An x-ray of the Sun

Scientists Find New Clues on the Solar Cycle

Scott McIntosh, a space scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Col., and his colleagues have discovered that a new marker, named brightpoints, to observe in order to track the constant shifting of elements inside the sun.

Clerestory windows

Natural Sunlight is Good for Health

Results of a study showed the workers with more exposure to natural light slept longer, exercised more, and had an improved quality in life.


Earth Could Be Hit By An Intense Solar Storm On Friday The 13th

The sun has unleashed three powerful solar bursts that could hit Earth on Friday the 13th.

Earth-eater star

Grad Student Discovers a Way to Detect Earth-eating Stars

A grad student of astronomy at Vanderbilt University developed a model to find stars that swallow planets. This may explain how planets are formed and help find other Earth-like planets outside of our solar system.

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