03/19/2025 02:32:13 pm

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U.S. Navy

New weapon

Houthis used Remote Controlled Suicide Boat to Blast Saudi Warship; Iran and China Blamed for Attack

The attack on the Al Madinah is the first confirmed use of a remote controlled suicide boat by the Houthis or any other Islamist terrorist group for that matter.

War winner

US Generals say F-35 is 'a War Winner;' Want More of the Stealth Fighter Produced and Fast

General officers of the Marine Corps and Navy said their biggest problem with the F-35 is not having enough of the fighters with their front line squadrons.

Iran wins -- in a movie.

Iran Defeats Massive US Invasion -- in Iranian 3D Movie

The IRGC Navy attacks the U.S. warships with waves of anti-ship missiles fired from vertical launching systems, and with torpedoes and naval gunfire.

 New customer

Indian Shipbuilding firm RDEL to Maintain Warships of United States Seventh Fleet

The Seventh Fleet is the largest of the forward-deployed U.S. Fleets.

  Closer to war

Dangerous Escalation: US Navy will Sail its Warships Closer to China’s Man-Made Islands in South China Sea

Such a provocative move will be a dangerous new challenge to Chinese territorial claims.


US Navy to Develop New and Far Deadlier Air Superiority Stealth Fighter Replacing F-35

Apart from destroying Chinese and Russian fighters, the new U.S. fighter will have to intercept Russian and Chinese strategic bombers.


Chinese Ballistic Missiles Immune from Interception by latest SM-3 US Missile, claims Chinese ‘Pundit'

The recent test off Hawaii of the Block IIA interceptor last Feb. 4 proves to China that its ballistic missiles are vulnerable to U.S. countermeasures.

In the Navy

China Says ‘No’ to USS Zumwalt Patrols Off Eastern North Korea near China

The ministry said China is opposed to any measures that affect China's security interests but specified no retaliation of any kind.

 What China wants to do

Pearl Harbor-type Surprise Attack is China’s only Hope of Beating US in South China Sea War

This means the best option available to China will be to attack the American carriers while they're moored at Pearl Harbor. It will be 1941 all over again.


First Test of US Navy’s Most Advanced SM-3 Anti-Missile and Anti-Satellite Interceptor Succeeds

SM-3 Block IIA is the latest variant of the RIM-161 Standard Missile 3 (SM-3).

Coming soon

US Likely to Deploy 4th Carrier Air Wing to Asia to Counter New Chinese Carrier, CNS Shandong

Shandong will become the flagship of both the North Sea Fleet and the East Sea Fleet of the PLAN.

  We are legend

Godspeed, USS Enterprise; Legendary US Navy Carrier is Decommissioned

She's remains the longest serving U.S. Navy aircraft carrier.


US Developing ‘Spike’ Mini-Missile to Shoot-down Aerial Drones

The U.S. Navy calls Spike a "forward-firing miniature munition."

Submarine killer

US Navy Sea Hunter Anti-Submarine Robot Warship Elicits Fear and Loathing from China

It's expected to enter service with the United States Third Fleet once it becomes operational.

Cleared for use

Advanced Arresting Gear Cleared for Use in US Navy Ford-class Aircraft Carriers

"The progress of AAG testing this past year has been significant and has demonstrated the system's ability to meet Navy requirements."

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