Ren Benavidez | Sep 19, 2014 05:28 AM EDT
During a panel meeting, former Secretary of the State, Hilary Clinton discussed issues about women's equal rights, affordable child care, and paid sick leave. read more
Bianca Ortega | Sep 19, 2014 03:10 AM EDT
The United Nations (UN) is set to deploy a mission to tackle the Ebola crisis in West Africa with France as the western country to support the move. read more
Kristina Fernandez | Sep 19, 2014 03:20 AM EDT
The Australian Federal Police (AFP) has been authorized to take over security of the Parliament House in Canberra amid threats of terrorist attacks by suspected Islamic State fighters in Australia. read more
Bianca Ortega | Sep 19, 2014 03:13 AM EDT
Eight health officials and journalists were found dead in Guinea after a mob, fearing the spread of the deadly Ebola virus, threw rocks at them, according to a government spokesman on Thursday. read more
Bianca Ortega | Sep 19, 2014 12:18 AM EDT
The Western sanctions imposed on Moscow over its actions in Ukraine violated the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO), Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday. read more
Christl Leong | Sep 18, 2014 11:34 PM EDT
More than 4 million voters are waiting with bated breath for the results of the polls of Scotland's independence referendum, an historic moment that could put a stop to the nation's 307-year union with UK. read more
Kristina Fernandez | Sep 18, 2014 10:29 PM EDT
Departing from its gory beheadings of Westerners that have outraged the world, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) released a new video on Thursday featuring a British photojournalist who appears to be explaining the "truth" behind the terror group. read more
Ren Benavidez | Sep 19, 2014 03:57 AM EDT
A terrorism and information warfare expert analyzed the video recently posted online by Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) and explained why the group chose a British journalist to deliver its message. read more
Ren Benavidez | Sep 18, 2014 10:44 PM EDT
The Kansas Supreme Court ordered Kansas election officials on Thursday to remove the name of Democrat Chad Taylor from the ballot for U.S. Senate. read more
dweisman | Sep 18, 2014 02:27 PM EDT
Following two years of often intense campaigning, more than four million registered Scotland voters went to the polls Thursday with independence versus remaining in the United Kingdom at stake. Voting began at 7 a.m. and continued through 10 p.m. Full results were expected early Friday. read more
Kristina Fernandez | Sep 18, 2014 09:06 AM EDT
The Obamas have largely avoided self-shot photos since the Samsung-sponsored selfie incident with Big Papi earlier this year. But on Wednesday, President Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, indulged children on two separate occasions to a few selfies. read more
Ren Benavidez | Sep 18, 2014 11:22 PM EDT
An Uighur professor sought to disprove accusations of separatism by showing the court that his lectures and writing were not done to promote separation of the Xinjiang region from China. read more
Ren Benavidez | Sep 18, 2014 10:25 AM EDT
China remains silent about the status of its Iceland envoy amid rumors that he has been detained for spying for Japan. read more
Kristina Fernandez | Sep 18, 2014 04:41 AM EDT
Polling stations opened early on Thursday for the referendum that could sever Scotland's centuries-old ties with Britain and see it emerge as an independent nation of 5.3 million people, while the rest of the Western world observe how the votes unfold. read more
Due to the coronavirus, people around the world have canceled their travel plans. Governments and health officials have warned the public to avoid boarding cruise ships and long flights. read more