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Microsoft Adds Bing Image Search To Sway, Following Death Of Clip Art


(Photo : Microsoft) Microsoft has removed Clip Art from all applications — in the new powerpoint app Sway, Bing Image Search will become the default image search.

Microsoft's new powerpoint app Sway is getting a lot of attention, especially in the education community.

One of the features people have been asking for is a way to search creative commons for images. In the next update to Sway, users will now be able to use Bing! Image Search on the app to find appropriate images.

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The new update comes just days after the death of Clip Art - Microsoft's old tool for non-copyright images. The image search has been implemented in all past Office suites for over a decade.

Sway already incorporates a slew of cloud sources, like OneDrive, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Users can bring in comments and videos to the presentation, something unavailable in Powerpoint.

For users who have never used Sway, it is Powerpoint 2.0. Microsoft has added new designs and integration with services to make it easier than ever to create a powerpoint, and for it to look good on all screens.

Microsoft will also be updating the 'Suggested' search with machine learning, to understand previous searches and tie it with the current search. This should give more accurate searches, depending on how much time the user spends on Sway.

Windows is starting to lose ground in education as Chromebooks and iPads become common in classrooms, however, Office is still a needed resource. Sway offers a new type of powerpoint maker and works on iPad.

Google has obviously put a dent in Microsoft's wonderful Office suite - Google Drive continues to grow in users and features - making it easier for a user to switch from Office to Drive.

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