03/31/2025 06:36:02 pm

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Ex-HP CEO Carly Fiorina Attacks Tim Cook Over Opposition to Indiana Religious Freedom Law


(Photo : Reuters) Carly Fiorina has called out Tim Cook on his opposition to the controversial Indiana law.

Currently contemplating a bid for the Republican Presidential nomination, Carly Fiorina has a lot on her plate.

That hasn't stopped her from commenting on the CEOs currently fighting against the "religious freedom" law imposed in Indiana earlier this month.

Fiorina singled out Apple CEO Tim Cook -- who wrote a piece in The New York Times about the negative effects of the law -- claiming Cook has focused on Indiana while being perfectly fine with the atrocities committed by governments in Saudi Arabia and China.

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It's a good point to make since LGBT rights in most Middle Eastern and Asian countries are poor to say the least, with some countries implementing prison sentences for those caught.

The issue is that Apple doesn't have any political say in those countries. Apple is lucky to be allowed in China at all, so we doubt Cook is going to start writing on Weibo about his thoughts on the government's LGBT rights.

China has loosened its rules for gay and lesbian rights in the past decade and removed it from the list of mental illnesses a few years ago. Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern countries are much worse in that aspect, but again Apple has no political say in those regions.

Google has been a more active contender against governments, moving out of China and Russia due to censorship and surveillance. The search giant still offers service in most Middle Eastern areas, however, showing LGBT rights is low on the agenda for Google.

Other tech executives have started to oppose the Indiana law, including Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff who has offered to move workers out of the state if they feel the law is wrong.

Apple and Tim Cook have not commented on Fiorina's statement.

Fiorina will be the second prominent female candidate in the 2016 race alongside Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. Currently, Republican candidates outnumber Democrats by 5:1 although we expect more Democrats will be announced before 2016.

The argument about whether religious freedoms should be allowed to be lawfully stated will continue and may be a focal point in the Presidential Election as more states open the doors to gay marriage.

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