03/05/2025 10:33:08 pm

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Arrest Warrant Issued for Justin Bieber in Argentina

It seems like Justin Bieber has a lot more than song lyrics to worry about. The singer was issued an arrest warrant in Argentina yesterday, the warrant was issued after Bieber failed to respond to the summons stemming from allegations that he had asked his bodyguards to attack a photographer two years ago.

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The singers immediate detention was ordered by Judge Alberto Banos, who also ordered for the immediate detentions of bodyguards Hugo Alcides and Terrence Smalls.

They said the attack happened in 2013 while Bieber was partying at a famous Argentina nightclub. Witnesses said that he had asked his bodyguards to attach photographer Diego Pesoa after he was spotted taking photographs of the singer from outside the club.

If put in detention, the 21-year old singer could face one month to six years in prison. Sources say that they are not sure if the warrant could be extended outside Argentina.

Pesoa's lawyer was interviewed by Argentine radio station Telefe Noticias and he implied that the warrant will force Bieber and his bodyguards to return to the South American country saying "Now we just have to wait for the authorities to find him and arrest him. For us, this is a victory against all those who said that this case was a bluff and that we did not have any proof."

Fans of the singer have taken to social media to defend their idol, some of them defended Bieber by saying that Pesoa just wants his fifteen minutes of fame seeing as the said attack happened two years ago.
Justin and his camp have yet to respond to the arrest warrant.

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