03/04/2025 02:21:08 pm

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Miracle Identical Triplets Born in Texas; One in a Fifty Million Chance!

A lady gave birth to identical triplets in a hospital in Texas; making it one of the rarest event for the hospital.

The doctors told the family that the probability of conceiving identical triplets is only one in every 50 million, and they should really think of this as a miracle, states The Washington Post. The mother of these triplets underwent a cesarean surgery in her 34th week of pregnancy and gave birth to healthy babies who weighed 2.1 kg each. All the children and the mother are healthy and resting.

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Two of these triplets are conjoined to each other and were named Ximena Jackeline and Scarlett Juliet; they might be subjected to a surgery later this year, in an attempt to separate them from each other, states The Sydney Morning Herald. They are joined with each other at the pelvis area; although, their parents are least bothered at the moment about this surgery. The third triplet was named Catalina Montserrat.

Hernandez and Torrez, the parents of these triplets, were expecting a normal baby who will join his/her elder sibling Roel, but after the latest ultrasound, they could not believe what they saw.

The initial ultrasound of the womb showed a single embryo, which grew into second and third in the future ultrasounds. They were also warned of the many complications, which are generally faced in scenarios like this - miscarriage or birth of blue babies.

The father, Torrez, was forced to leave his job so that he could take care of his wife as she was not able to walk on her own at the later stage of her pregnancy. Since the family was not prepared for such a huge expense, they are currently raising money for their newly born daughters using the Go Fund Me Page. They hope to raise a substanial amount so as to pay for their daughter's surgery.

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