03/31/2025 07:29:19 pm

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Chinese Consumers are Still Obsessed With White Skin


(Photo : WishTrendTV /

Seems like the demand for whiter skill will increase in the next coming years with China further being influenced by the Western Culture.

One of China's largest search engines recently released the most search topics in 2015, and the number one topic turned out to be 'skin whitening'.

Up to 37 percent of the searches made on Baidu Inc. was about cosmetic products, while 70 percent of the searches were about skin whitening. This suggests that whiter skin is still trending in China and is still the beauty hallmark of most women living in the highly populated country.

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Although most women in China already have fair skin, a large number still wants to achieve the porcelain-like skin that some Hollywood actresses have. Cosmetic procedures from skin bleaching to whitening shots have been in demand in the country.

There has also been a long running tradition in China of avoiding the sun and using a dark shaded umbrella when it is necessary to go outside.

One woman describes the obsession with white skin saying, "Most of us living in China already have fair skin, but it is not white, it is yellowish so we still think that porcelain white skin is very beautiful. A woman should always have fair skin or else people will think that you are poor."

The demand for over the counter whitening pills has also increased dramatically with some patients allegedly buying more than one bottle to prevent running out. But, this is nothing new. Chinese researchers have long been coming up with supplements that help in lightening one's skin tone, some of these supplements include Ligustrum, Chinese hawthorn, and Cinnamomum subavenium.

One reporter from the website Vagabondjourney recently asked a young Chinese lady, "Why do you want whiter skin?" the lady answered "Because white skin removes all ugliness."

Seems like the demand for whiter skill will increase in the next coming years with China further being influenced by the Western Culture.

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