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'One Punch Man' Season 2: Updates And a New Villain Joins Similar to Saitama?

One Punch Man

(Photo : Blue Flash | YouTube) Meanwhile, creator and author of the anime, ONE, has revealed a new character who will make its debut in the upcoming season.

A good news has been revealed for "One Punch Man" fans as season 2 starts in November along with new possible villains on the list to fight against the hero Saitama.

First up on the list is the Class A, rank 1 hero named Amai Mask, who will allegedly be the punching hero's enemy. Next is the S-Class hero and Silver Fan's former student called Garou, who mastered the popular "Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist."

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Meanwhile, creator and author of the anime, ONE, has revealed a new character named Hero Blast who will make its debut in the upcoming season. The new persona in the storyline was revealed to be an S-Class, rank 1 hero and a member of Hero Association.

A brief description in Wikia and a sketch of Blast featured a guy with a spiky hair wearing a suit similar to Saitama's but with a different design around the zipper.

Blast has already been mentioned in season 1, but his absence claimed that he rarely attends Hero Association meetings and also considers his duties as a hobby, similart to Saitama.

On the other hand, illustrator Yusuke Murata hasn't introduced the character yet in the manga version however, fans have been talking about topic in forums, according to Vine Report.

Despite the little information shared for the upcoming "One Punch Man" season 2 storyline, fans have started to share their own theories for the main protagonist, Saitama. 

While fans wait until the alleged release date on November for the full synopsis of "One Punch Man" season 2, it recently won the Sugoi 2016 Award as the Best Manga in Japan and was received by Yusuke Murata along with series creator ONE.

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