03/09/2025 11:44:01 am

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Ana Verayo

4,000 Goldfish Take Over Colorado Lake

These seemingly harmless goldfish can be potentially disastrous for the lake's natural ecosystem and biodiversity.

The 'Eye of Sauron' in space

Images of 'Eye of Sauron' Galaxy Captured by ALMA

This warping is caused by gravitational lenses first observed by the Hubble space telescope.

The Atkins diet

Study Reveals Most Effective Weight Loss Programs are Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers

A new study reveals that among 32 major commercial weight loss programs, only two were backed by scientific data and reliable clinical trials, and are the most effective.

Lightning's favorite hang outs

Where in the World Does Lightning Strike Most?

NASA has mapped lightning strikes around the world using satellite data.

Ankle exoskeleton

Incredible Ankle Exoskeleton Device Makes Walking Easier, Better

This could lead to a new generation of wearable robotics that don't require a motor or even a power source to function.

Scientists Reveal Why Humans Fear Spiders: It's In Our DNA

Spiders that lived during prehistoric ages included species with vertebrate specific venom.

Listening for alien life

Aliens? Radio Waves from Space Reach Earth in Bizarre Mathematical Pattern

These beams called blitzars or fast radio bursts only last for a millisecond.

Humans on Mars

Bill Nye: NASA Can Bring Humans to Mars by 2033

Scientists believe they now have an idea of how to execute a long-term and cost effective, manned Mars program.

'100 Year Old' Teen Dies from Extremely Rare Disease, Progeria

This fatal disease rapidly disintegrated her body to an age comparable to a centenarian.


Large Hadron Collider FIinally Restarts Today

The LHC is the world's most powerful particle collider and the most expensive at US $10 billion.

Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson

Neil DeGrasse Tyson Reveals How to Live a Meaningful Life

During a 60 Minutes interview, famous astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson divulges words of wisdom about how to live a meaningful life thru science.

Flakka, a new way to die

New Designer Drug 'Flakka': Sparks Crime Wave in Forida

Florida police said there were 670 flakka cases in 2014 compared to only 85 in 2012.

Protesters Arrested Blocking Road to Thirty Meter Telescope Site in Hawaii

Natives apparently believe the site where the giant telescope is being erected is sacred.

Target asteroid

NASA and ESA Plan to Deflect an Asteroid Headed for Earth in 2022

ESA's AIM and NASA's DART programs will serve as asteroid defense strategies that will target an astroid called Didymoon headed for Earth in 2022.

A star is born

[PHOTO] Astronomers Watch Stunning, Massive Protostar Formation in Real Time

The dramatic change was seen in real time and means this object provides an exciting opportunity to observe how a very young star evolves in its early stages of formation.

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