03/09/2025 11:40:35 am

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Ana Verayo

The Gliese 581 system

First Habitable Exoplanet Found Might be Habitable After All

This Earth-like exoplanet called GJ 581d was first spotted in 2009.

CO2 emission

Climate Change to Increase Temperatures by Half a Degree Every 10 Years

Models predict that nearly every region in the world will experience rising temperatures beyond natural fluctuations.

Florida flooding

Florida Bans Use of Terms "Climate Change" and "Global Warming"

This "unwritten" policy has allegedly been in effect since 2011 during the term of Republican governor, Rick Scott.

Cooking up love

Love Hormone, Oxytocin, Could Help Men Lose Weight

A new study reveals men that take oxytocin eat fewer calories and fat, making the hormone a possible dietary tool.

25 Robots Compete for DARPA Robotic Challenge $2 Million Prize

Robots are skillful when it comes to working in hazardous environments.


Dark Matter Could Originate from the 'God Particle'

CERN will try to prove a new model postulating dark matter could originate from the Higgs boson particle.

US 708

Milky Way's Fastest Star is Leaving it at 26 Million mph

The fast traveling star was probably launched by a Type Ia supernova,

Agate stone tool

Stone Tool Older than Any Human Civilization in the U.S. Found in Oregon

The tool is actually an agate scraper made from a piece of orange agate not indigenous to eastern Oregon.


NASA's Dawn Spacecraft is Now First Probe to Orbit a Dwarf Planet

Dawn's mission is to answer whether or not there is a liquid ocean of water underneath the dwarf planet's surface.

Praying mantis

Praying Mantis Jumping Technique Can Help Build Better Moving Robots

A new study shows a video capturing the leaping motion of a baby praying mantis.

Leadership by postreproductive females

Menopausal Female Killer Whales Become Leaders of their Family Pods

A new study reveals that post menopausal female orcas over the age of 40 to 50 apparently take leadership roles to guide their families.

El Niño

El Niño Has Arrived But Will Not End California Drought

A new NOAA report confirms the arrival of El Niño, bringing warmer sea surface temperatures.

Another water planet

Mars Had a Bigger Ocean Than the Atlantic Ocean

A new study reveals that Mars apparently had a large body of water in the distant past, bigger than the Atlantic Ocean.

Einstein cross

9 Billion Year-Old Supernova Seems to Explode Four Times

Scientists discovered a quadruple rendering, a configuration known as an Einstein cross.

Is he full of it?

Study: Men are More Narcissistic than Women

Men on average were discovered to be more willing to exploit other people for their self interest compared to women.

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