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Marc Maligalig


Cassini Spots Sunny Methane Seas on Titan

The seas on Titan consist mostly of liquid ethane and methane.

Image of a mouse gut tube

Scientists Create 3D Printed Human Stomach Using Stem Cells

The development of the organ also marks the first time in history scientists have created a 3D human embryonic foregut.

Blood bag that requires anticoagulants such as heparin for the blood to stay liquid

Scientists Trying to Simplify Blood Thinning Agent

The blood thinning activity of heparin generally needs another drug to reverse its effects .

The Sierra SunTower power plant in Lancaster, California

New Solar Power Material Converts Almost All Captured Light into Heat

The whole-day production of CSP plants is a big advantage over photovoltaic solar plants.

Part of Earhart's plane?

Debris Rekindles Hope of Finding Amelia Earhart's Lost Plane

What happened to the twin-engine aircraft and the duo has remained one of aviation's most enduring mysteries.

Struthio camelus in Tanzania

Biped Running Robots Look to Running Birds for Inspiration

Birds appear to be the best bipedal terrestrial runners.

Scientists Model a Swimming Animal's Movements for the First Time

A number of laboratories have attempted to model the movements of aquatic animals.

Coral Reef

Researchers Find Ammonia in the Open Ocean

One possibility is that the ammonium was just deposited near the continent before it reached Bermuda.


Scientists Cautious Over Google's Nanoparticle Project

The technology could yield another tool but won't be a game-changer.

Types of carbon nanotubes

Pores in Carbon Nanotubes Make Big Impact

The nanotube porins could eventually be used as a foundation for novel biosensors and DNA sequencing applications.

3D-printed prosthetic hand

Illinois Students 3D Print Smarter and Cheaper Prosthetic Hands

A machine-learning algorithm lets the hand do more than just close and open.

Mountain climbers on top of the Rhone glacier in the Swiss Alps

The Last Ice Age Ended Gradually and in 'Pulses'

The findings may prove useful as they illuminate mechanisms that plunge the world into and out of ice ages.

DNA cluster

Contamination Likely Explains 'Food Genes in Blood' Claim

Lusk questioned the result of the 2013 paper authored by Sandor Spisak.

Difference of RNA and DNA

Scientists Synthesize Enzyme that could Explain Origins of Life

Several scientists suspect the molecules of RNA with properties akin to enzymes were the first self-replicators.

Drosophila melanogaster larvae

Mechanism Lets Differentiated Cells Become Stem Cell Again

Facultative stem cells, however, have a very special trait. They have the ability to return to their stem cell stage.

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