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Marc Maligalig

 Zaaraapelta nomadis

Newly Discovered Mongolian Ankylosaur is Ugly but Sexy

Zaaraapelta nomadis is even more extravagant than other Mongolian species of ankylosaurs.


Extreme Violence may be Caused by Genes

Two genes, CDH13 and MAOA, are "associated with extremely violent behavior."

Phased array radar system for missile defense

Engineers Aim to Make Cars Safer with Phased-Array Radar Tech

An advanced automotive phased-array radar system is a crucial element in a high-precision automotive radar system.

The Amazon rainforest

Amazon Rainforest is Absorbing Significantly Less Carbon Dioxide

The Amazon rainforest plays a crucial role in the carbon life cycle of the earth.

Brain Neurons

Study Provides Evidence that People's Decisions are Affected by Unconscious Thinking

Psychologists and other scientists have debated whether or not decisions people make are impacted by unconscious information.

The basic structure of a sphingolipid

Key Factor in Relationship among Cancer, Diet, Inflammation Found by Researchers

Evidence suggests inflammation adds to cell transformation.

Use of Premium Gas Saves Money, Fuel

A team of researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has found that the automobile industry, as well as the whole world, would be able to reduce its carbon dioxide emissions by 35 million tons annually, saving up to US$6 billion in fuel costs, just by gassing up light-duty vehicles with higher-octane gasoline.

LRO has imaged the LADEE impact site on the eastern rim of Sundman V crater.

LRO Pictures Show LADEE's Impact Crater

NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft has spotted a new crater on the surface of the moon, which was made by the impact of the agency's Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer mission.

Prehistoric paintings of hoofed animals in a cave with thunderous reverberations located in Bhimbetka, India

Ancient Auditory Illusions Allegedly Reflected in Prehistoric Art

Steven J. Waller, from Rock Art Acoustics, will describe a number of ways virtual sound images and absorbers that could have appeared "supernatural" to the ancestors of humans, which could have possible inspired their creation of mysterious artistic works, at the 168th Meeting of Acoustical Society of America to be held on Oct. 27 through Oct. 31 at the Indianapolis Marriott Downtown Hotel.

James Van Etten, the senior author of the paper

Researchers Find DNA of Algea-Virus in Humans Altered Their Cognitive Performance

Scientists from the John Hopkins University and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln have found the DNA of Acanthocystis turfacea chlorella virus 1, once thought to be confined to only the cells of algae, has invaded the biological kingdom of animals and were found in the throats of healthy test subjects on an unrelated study.

Eta Device's chip

Power-Saving Chip Increases Battery Life of Devices

Eta Devices, a spinout from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, have developed a chip that could help make the battery in electronic devices last possibly twice as long, and help conserve energy in cell towers.

Solar panel display.

Swiss Tech Company Claims to Make Near-Invisible Solar Modules

The Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnology, anon-profit company for applied research, said Tuesday that it has found a way to make solar modules with no visible connections and cells, which can blend with a building's "skin" to become virtually invisible.

Biology professor Sara Helms Cahan and graduate student Michael Hermann, the study's co-leaders

Queen Ants Battle for Right Guy's Sperm

Biologists from the University of Vermont have discovered that ant queens fight to the death getting sperm from males of another species and use it to make sterile workers to build their colonies.


Google Aims to Scan Bodies for Disease

The early detection of a disease is known to significantly increase the likelihood of successfully treating several types of life-threatening illnesses.

Brain Neurons

Scientists Find Abnormalities in Brains of Chronic Fatigue Patients

The results of the study could possibly lead to more conclusive diagnoses of the condition.

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