03/12/2025 08:47:17 am

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New Mirror-like Material Keeps Buildings Very Cool in Summer

Engineers call their technique "photonic radiative cooling."

Exotic Orcas

Exotic Killer Whales Appear in Large Numbers along Pacific Northwest Coast

Researchers don't really understand what's drawing the animals in.

Japan's Hayabusa 2 Asteroid Landing Probe to Launch Dec. 1

Because of bad weather, Japan decided to cancel the launch of Hayabusa 2 on Sunday, November 30.


'Former NASA Employee' Claims Two 'Humans' Walked on Mars

Two humans walked in the surface of Red Planet during the 70s.


Dogs Can Comprehend Words and Emotions, Study Says

Domesticated dogs can understand human emotions and speech.

Grey Seals

Britain's Lovable Grey Seals are Deadly Ocean Killers

Grey seals' looks can be deceiving and they've killed hundreds of harbor porpoises.

ESA ocean map

ESA Draws Most Accurate Ocean Maps Ever

GOCE helped scientists make the most accurate maps of global ocean currents.

Woolly Mammoth Skeleton Sold for US$300,000 at British Auction

A private collector obtained the rare woolly mammoth skeleton.

Another shield protecting the Earth

Little Known Space Shield Defends Earth from Killer Radiation

It's almost like these electrons are running into a glass wall in space


Sony to Refund Consumers over Misleading PS Vita Ads

"Each of these claims was misleading," said the FTC.

Gorgeous whisky patterns

Whisky Creates Gorgeous Patterns at the Bottom of a Glass. How?

Who'd have thought of whisky as an art form?

First object 3D printed in space

ISS' 3D Printer Prints First Item in Space

This project demonstrates the basic fundamentals of useful manufacturing in space.

South American River Turtle

Turtles Are Descended from Dinosaurs, New Study Reports

Turtles are more related to dinosaurs and birds than they are to lizards.

Sulawesi streaked flycatcher

New Bird Species Discovered in Indonesia

The new species is called "Sulawesi Streaked Flycatcher".


Antarctic Sea Ice Thickness Measured by an Underwater Robot

SeaBED weighs nearly 200 kilograms; has a twin-hull and mounts a propeller.

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