03/04/2025 01:14:31 pm

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Raymond Legaspi

CNN ‘Doomsday Video' Leaked

It may just be the last thing audiences will see before CNN signs off at the end of days - in case of a devastating nuclear war, an extinction-causing great flood or hell freezing over.

Angela Merkel

Merkel Urges Tolerance As Poll Shows More Germans Fear Islam

German Chancellor Angela Merkel appealed for religious tolerance on Thursday as results of a survey showed more Germans viewed Islam as a threat.

John Jonchuck Jr

Dad Throws Five-Year-Old Daughter To Death Off Bridge

A father killed his five-year-old daughter after throwing her off a bridge in St. Petersburg, Florida on Thursday morning.

China Southern Airlines

China Southern Airlines Execs Fall in Corruption Crackdown

China Southern Airlines has dismissed two more executives who are suspected of committing work-related crimes.

China and Venezuela

China Plays Santa to Two Troubled Allies in South America

Two of Latin America's oil exporters hit hard by weak oil prices, Ecuador and Venezuela, find relief in China's pledge to provide billions of dollars in financing aid.

Rising Maritime Superpower

China’s Colossal Coast Guard Cutters Seen to Rule High Seas

China's upcoming super-endurance Coast Guard cutters, which weigh beyond 10,000 tons, may yet be the latest and clearest sign of Beijing's rising maritime power in the pursuit of extra-territorial goals, according to security analysts.

City of Ice and Snow

Harbin City Carved Out of Ice in China Festival

Frozen towers, sculptures and whole buildings carved out of blocks of ice, which are decorated with colored lights, have drawn thousands of tourists to the 16th Harbin Ice Festival, running from Monday through February 28.

Xi Jinping

Xi Leads Revival of China’s Maoist ‘Thought Police’

China's modern day preachers of Maoist ideology find an unexpected ally in President Xi Jinping and they lost no time playing the role of thought police to the hilt.

Same-sex marriage

Same-Sex Couples Finally Wed in Miami-Dade County

Same-sex couples lined up to tie the knot in Miami-Dade County in Florida on Monday, when a judge ruled that the couples could wed right away.

Prince Andrew

Prince Andrew Pal Jeffrey Epstein ‘Tampered Witnesses To Hide Truth’

U.S. investigators revealed in court documents that financier Jeffrey Epstein, a longtime friend of the Duke of York, aggressively tampered witnesses who later declined to answer questions if Prince Andrew did sleep with underage women.

Pilot in Search Mission

Indonesian Pilots Irked With Transport Minister’s AirAsia Blame Game

Pilots in Indonesia cry foul over a transportation official's recent announcements, which blame Indonesia AirAsia for apparent procedural lapses that led to the disappearance of flight QZ8501 over the Java Sea on December 28 last year.

Investors Threaten to Jump Off Building After Being Ripped Off by Venture Capitalists

A dozen investors, who claimed they were ripped off by three venture capitalists, tried to commit suicide on Sunday by jumping from a building in the city of Shuozhou in Shanxi Province.

Cry for Stampede Victims

China Censors Shanghai Stampede Criticism

Shanghai authorities have taken steps to clamp down on public criticism over a New Year's Eve stampede that killed 36 people.

Price Control on Commodities To Be Lifted

China to Lift Price Controls on 24 Services

China's National Development and Reform Commission will do away with state price controls on 24 commodities and services, the NDRC announced on Sunday.

China Navy Wall

China Navy Builds ‘Great Wall’ to Block Prying Eyes

China has erected a 'great' wall about 22-meters high around its naval base in Liaoning province to keep prying eyes from seeing the installation.

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