Roguero Caler | Jun 18, 2015 09:28 AM EDT
In the wake of the free trade deal between China and Australia, there is a growing concern on the possible repercussions of this bold move. Some fear that the inclusion of traditional Chinese medicine could actually spell the death of Aussie science. read more
Sarah Mae Tejares | Jun 18, 2015 05:52 AM EDT
World Health Organization (WHO) urges people in some parts of Middle East to avoid drinking camel urine as it may cause Middle East Respiratory syndrome (MERS). As a matter of fact, drinking a camel's wee is common in some parts of Middle East as some people believed it could relieve pain and a remedy to any sickness. read more
Sarah Mae Tejares | Jun 18, 2015 05:52 AM EDT
World Health Organization (WHO) urges people in some parts of Middle East to avoid drinking camel urine as it may cause Middle East Respiratory syndrome (MERS). As a matter of fact, drinking a camel's wee is common in some parts of Middle East as some people believed it could relieve pain and a remedy to any sickness. read more
KJ Belonio | Jun 18, 2015 05:00 AM EDT
Astronomers have recently discovered the brightest galaxy in the early universe known as CR7. The newfound galaxy is also three times brighter than the brightest distant galaxy known up to now, the Himiko, which had been thought to be one of a kind. The recent study, helmed by a team of astronomers from the Institute of Astrophysics and Space Sciences, the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon in Portugal, and Leiden Observatory in the Netherlands, also revealed a clearer explanation about the significance of the Population III stars in forging the stars around us today, the planets that orbit them and life as we know it. read more
Cecille Marie Gumban | Jun 18, 2015 05:00 AM EDT
A temple in China has witnessed an appearance of the unexplained this week. A UFO sighting was caught on camera and the footage has left Chinese monks scratching their heads while thinking of a plausible explanation. read more
Ina Ariola | Jun 17, 2015 09:56 PM EDT
Matilda, the "alien" cat, has invaded social media site Instagram by having 62,700 followers. Here are five interesting things about her that you should know. read more
Quadey Humile | Jun 17, 2015 06:55 PM EDT
Have you ever thought that maybe bacterial spores can power a car? That's what a team of innovative scientists thought of when they came up with an experimental setup wherein bacterial spores work with water evaporation to propel a tiny car. Wherever this outstanding invention will lead mankind will surely be a step closer to a more enery-friendly future. read more
KJ Belonio | Jun 17, 2015 05:17 PM EDT
A strange pattern on Mercury’s surface recently raised a newfound mystery for experts. Based on the photos taken by NASA’s MESSENGER spacecraft, a pattern of giant cliffs and ridges have mysteriously turned up on Mercury’s surface. However, there are no evidence to further explain the origin of the geological formations. read more
KJ Belonio | Jun 17, 2015 05:10 PM EDT
Scientists have recently discovered that a gene mutation showed complete resistance against prion disease. Based on the recent study published in Nature journal, scientists described a genetic variant that appears to stop misfolded proteins known as prions from propagating in the brain. However, researchers are still planning to see if they can find out how or why the genetic mutation causes resistance. They also seek to determine if the same technique could be used to confer resistance in humans. read more
Quadey Humile | Jun 17, 2015 10:08 AM EDT
Stretching from Central California and all the way to British Columbia, the algal bloom that has hit the West Coast could possibly be the largest one yet experts have laid eyes on. read more
KJ Belonio | Jun 17, 2015 06:00 AM EDT
Six meteorites from Mars contain methane and hydrogen gases, a recent study revealed. And though researchers suggest that the Red Planet may have similar environmental conditions to the Earth, the discovery of methane and hydrogen gases is not enough evidence that life exists or has ever existed on the neighboring planet. read more
Roguero Caler | Jun 16, 2015 11:49 PM EDT
Could a chikungunya outbreak be approaching? The rise in the number of the viral disease cases has alarmed health officials. Scientists even found out that the virus has spread in many parts of the world because of a mutation that has given it the capacity to thrive in a new mosquito carrier. read more
Ina Ariola | Jun 17, 2015 12:00 AM EDT
Carbon dioxide isn't the only factors that contribute to the acidification of Arctic Ocean. Other elements identified by scientists include: melting glaciers, upwelling of deep waters, freshwater water from the river and cold water. read more
KJ Belonio | Jun 16, 2015 11:58 PM EDT
After it has been a long-standing mystery, a recent scientific research revealed the reasons why dinosaurs failed to populate in the tropics. The international team of paleontologists revealed that raging wildfires, droughts, food shortages and climate change are the significant reasons. read more
Due to the coronavirus, people around the world have canceled their travel plans. Governments and health officials have warned the public to avoid boarding cruise ships and long flights. read more