
NASA's Probe Captures Entire Plutonic System; Pluto's Five Moons Chron, Hydra, Nix, Kerberos and Styx Captured in Detail

Aishwarya Bhatt   | May 15, 2015 08:29 AM EDT

Pluto has long been a mystery to astronomers. However, the New Horizons probe launched by NASA has finally succeeded in capturing the entire Plutonic system with the dwarf planet being revolved about by its five characteristic moons. Though Charon, Hydra and Nix were captured in the past, it is the first time that the dwarf planet's dwarf and faintest satellites namely Kerberos and Styx have been captured by the space agency. read more

NASA Reassess Disintegrating 'Larsen B' Ice Shelf in Antarctica; 10,000 Years Old Bridge May be History

Aishwarya Bhatt   | May 15, 2015 08:25 AM EDT

The Larsen B ice shelf which started disintegrating in 2002 has worried the NASA scientists once again. The remnant spread in 625 square mile area is 1640 feet thick at its thickest point and has acted as a bridge between glacial ice and the ocean surface for over 10000 years. However, research has pointed out that it is disintegrating at a break neck speed and could be gone in a matter of a few decades. read more

Cuba's Lung Cancer Vaccine To Be Shared With United States; Clinical Trials To Start At Roswell Park Cancer Institute

Aishwarya Bhatt   | May 15, 2015 08:02 AM EDT

Living upto its promises made long back, Cuba the country known for its Tobacco all over the world is all set to share its state of the art Lung Cancer Vaccine with the United States. This gesture comes in the backdrop of the New York's governor Andrew Cuomo's visit to Havana and the subsequent agreement with Cuba's Centre for Molecular Immunology with the Roswell Park Cancer Institute. read more

What's An Opah? It's the World's First Warm Blooded Fish

Ana Verayo   | May 15, 2015 06:10 AM EDT

NOAA scientists have discovered the first warm blooded fish ever in the Eastern Pacific ocean and its unique process how it retains body heat. read more

Vitamin B can Cure Skin Cancer, Says Study

Aishwarya Bhatt   | May 15, 2015 07:54 AM EDT

In a study concluded that Vitamin B could be used to treat certain types of Skin Cancer in people. The trial conducted on 386 people involved taking an artificial source of Vitamin B3, Nicotinamide twice daily. read more

NASA Plans to Build Oxygen Producing Systems on Mars

Marco Foronda   | May 15, 2015 04:30 AM EDT

The organisms would use Mars' ample supply of regolith as fuel, and may even serve a dual purpose in removing nitrogen from the Martian soil. read more

New Horizon Photograhps Pluto's Entire Moon Family

Marco Foronda   | May 14, 2015 09:44 AM EDT

The spacecraft was able to create an animated sequence of five 10-second observations from a distance of more than 55 million miles (88 million kilometers). read more

Microsoft Says Goldfish Is Better Listener Than Humans; New Study Explores Our Shrinking Attention Span

Camille Harthy   | May 14, 2015 01:02 PM EDT

Here's another reason to consider technobphobia: it's making your attention span much shorter than a goldfish's. read more

UC Versus MIT: Patent Wars Over Gene Editing Tool CRISPR

Ana Verayo   | May 14, 2015 06:42 AM EDT

UC and MIT are now involved over a legal dispute regarding the patent of CRISPR-Cas9 that can alter human genes and edit DNA. read more

Large Hadron Collider Discovers Extremely Rare Sub Atomic Particle Decays

Ana Verayo   | May 14, 2015 05:29 AM EDT

During the latest set of tests from the LHC, scientists have discovered its newest particles that are not found in the Standard Model of physics. read more

The Large Hadron Collider Detects Extremely Rare Particle Decays; B Meson Detected

Aishwarya Bhatt   | May 14, 2015 12:52 PM EDT

Scientists working on the Large Hadron Collider recently announced that the LHC detected a rare particle decay which is pretty impossible to detect otherwise. Called the B meson, it is pretty less famous than Higgs Boson particle, but since it was detected with the help of none other than the LHC, it could play a very important role in the Standard Model of particle physics. read more

Astronomers Can Now Predict Weather on Distant Planets

Ana Verayo   | May 14, 2015 11:10 AM EDT

Data from NASA's Kepler Space Telescope reveals different phases of distant exoplanets for astronomers to create alien world weather forecasts. read more

Cornell Eel-like Robot May Possibly Explore Europa Moon

Marco Foronda   | May 14, 2015 05:00 AM EDT

The soft, flexible marine rover would only use resources in its extraterrestrial environment to power itself through the water. read more

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