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Alzheimer's Disease

Normal brain and brain with Alzheimer's

There is a Link between Concussions and Alzheimer's Disease, says New Research

"These findings show promise for detecting the influence of concussion on neurodegeneration early in one's lifetime."

A recent study revealed that probiotics may help improve the cognitive abilities of people living with Alzheimer's disease.

Probiotics may Improve Memory, Thinking of People with Alzheimer's Disease, Study Reveals

A recenty study conducted by a group of Iranian researchers revealed how a daily dose of probiotics taken for three months could help improve memory and thinking abilities of people living with Alzheimer's disease.


Ferrell’s Involvement in ‘Reagan’ Sparks Criticism, Contradicts Work with Alzheimer’s Charity

Hollywood funny man Will Ferrell is set to star in an upcoming comedy about late US president Ronald Reagan's struggle with dementia. News of Ferrell's latest project garnered mixed reactions.

Chinese scientists claim to discover a cure for the irreversible, progressive Alzheimer's disease

Chinese Scientists Find Cure for Alzheimer's Disease

Chinese scientists have discovered a new compound that can allegedly cure Alzheimer's disease. The newly found treatment that makes use of flavonoids extracted from cotton petals is now in clinical trial.

Chinese Researchers Find Flavonoid In Cotton Petals Used For Alzheimers

Chinese Researchers Discover Flavonoid in Cotton Plant That Treats Alzheimer's Disease

Chinese researchers have made a medical breakthrough potentially beneficial for patients with Alzheimer's disease after they successfully extracted flavonoid from a cotton petal, according to Chinese state media.

Study reveals change in sense of humor is a sign of dementia

Change in Sense of Humor May be Symptom of Dementia

A change in sense of humor could be a sign of dementia according to a new study by UK researchers. And it may begin to manifest years ahead compared with other symptoms.

Moderate Coffee Drinking Regularly Benefits Brain

Moderate Coffee Drinking Regularly Benefits Brain

Consuming moderate quantity of coffee everyday might give neuro-protective effects whereas increasing the quantity of intake may increase the risk of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) which is the early symptom of Alzheimer's disease, says the study Published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease.

Simple Yet Wonderful Foods That Fight Alzheimer’s Disease

Simple Yet Wonderful Foods That Fight Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative dementia often seen in elderly people, which wistfully has no definite cause or cure found by far. While a number of researches carried out these days focus on prophylactic cure for the debilitating dementia, few studies suggest that some simple foods can help fight the disease or stall its progression. The wonder foods that challenge the deadly disease are here under.

treating alzheimer's disease

More People Showing Signs Of Having Alzheimers; More Funds For Research Needed

Unpleasant as it may seem, more funds from the U.S. government is needed as studies reveal that more U.S. citizens are showing signs of Alzheimers' disease.

Regular Exercise Could Be An Effective Treatment For Alzheimer’s Disease

Regular Exercise Could Be An Effective Treatment For Alzheimer's Disease

Regular exercise or physical activity would not only reduce the risk of cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease patients but also improve their condition, said researchers in the Alzheimer's Association International Conference on Thursday, July 23.

Gut Worms In Babies Could Give Protection Against Chronic Brain Inflammation

Gut Worms In Babies Could Give Protection Against Chronic Brain Inflammation

Baby rats with worms in their gut were resistant to brain inflammation than rats with worm-free gut, says a study conducted at Duke University published in an online journal Brain, Behavior and Immunity.

Alzheimer’s Disease In Women

Alzheimer’s Disease Progress Two Folds Faster In Women Than Men

Alzheimer’s disease in women worsen two folds faster than men diagnosed with same level of dementia, says a study presented in the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in Washington.

Saliva-based Test Could Help Detect Alzheimer’s Disease

Saliva-based Test To Detect Alzheimer’s Disease

A test on a saliva sample collected from a patient could help detect Alzheimer's disease, says a study presented at Alzheimer's Association International Conference in Washington, D.C. on Sunday, July 19.

New Drug For Treating Alzheimer’s Disease

New Drug Expected To Treat Alzheimer's Disease

A new drug in the making that's expected to treat people suffering from Alzheimer's disease is due to be presented by Biogen and Eli Lilly at Alzheimer's Association International Conference in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday 22, July 2015.

New Antibody Against Alzheimer-Causing Protein Discovered

New Antibody Against Alzheimer's-Causing Protein Discovered

A new antibody which could undo early damage to protein that leads to Alzheimer’s disease was discovered by a team of Harvard researchers.

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