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Beijing Air Pollution

Beijing Air Pollution

A Closer Look into Beijing’s air Pollution Problem

With Beijing continuously facing air pollution problems, a new report came out to detail the situation of China’s capital.

China Air Pollution

Beijing, China Steps Up Drive Versus Air Pollution

Beijing, the capital of China, is stepping up its initiative against the growing concern on air pollution in the country.

Beijing issues

Air Pollution Kills 1 of Every 3 Chinese: Study

A new research claimed that air pollution could be the cause of one in every three deaths in China.

Beijing Blanketed In Heavy Smog

Greenpeace: Most Cities in China Failed Air Quaility Evaluations in 2015

Despite improvements in some of the worst-hit areas, almost 300 Chinese cities still failed to meet national standards for air quality last year, Greenpeace announced on Wednesday, Jan. 20.


Beijing Gets Tough on Pollution, Imposes $28 Million in Anti-Pollution Fines

Beijing's environmental authorities imposed fines amounting to $28 million for various infringements against the city's anti-pollution ordinances last year.

Laser Egg A Smoke-Detecting Gadget Sold Out in Beijing, Start Back Orders in Early January

Laser Egg: Smoke-Detecting Gadget Sold Out in Beijing, Back Orders Start in Early January

A smog-detecting gadget called the Laser Egg has sold out in Beijing. The gadget, which is the size of a large orange, can be used at home, in the car, or anywhere where air pollution is a concern.

A comparative photo of  Tiananmen Square amid smog in Beijing, China

Second 'Red Alert' Issued Over Smog in Beijing, Other Cities

Just over a week ago, the city of Beijing has issued its first ever warning on air pollution. And now, it has once again raised the 'red alert' status following the heavy smog that covered the northern part of China.

Smog Hits Shanghai

Heavy Smog hits China's Business Capital Shanghai

Chinese business capital Shanghai, along with some parts of the Yangtze River Delta, have been hit with heavy smog on Tuesday.

Tourists Puts On Mask To Protect Himself From Pollution

Diners Charged With Air Cleaning Fee in China

Diners at a restaurant in eastern China have been charged with "an air cleaning fee" on top of their food bill, which is said to cover the cost of purifying the air inside the restaurant.

Wind Turbines

Beijing: Clean Energy is China's Next Leap Forward

Beijing's top climate envoy has said the approval of the United Nations (UN) 21st Conference of Parties (COP21) climate pact in Paris last Saturday will spur the Chinese government's efforts to develop clean, renewable energy technologies throughout the country.

China Air Quality

China Issues Orange Pollution Alert as Smog Strikes Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei

Authorities in Beijing have urged elementary and middle schools to suspend outdoor activities as an orange alert was issued for heavy smog in the city on Monday. The order will take effect starting on Tuesday, and the warning comes after a week of record pollution levels in the city.

Beijing smog pollution

Beijing's Smog Pollution Worsens: School Children Told to Stay Indoors

Beijing's air pollution has gotten so bad this week that city officials have told school children to stay indoors. The capital has been on "orange alert" since Sunday due to the air pollution, which is 3,500 percent above the World Health Organization (WHO) safety standards.

Beijing Marathon

Beijing Marathon Held Despite Concerns of Heavy Air Pollution, Several Runners Hospitalized

More than 30,000 runners participated in this year's Beijing Marathon on Sunday, despite heavy air pollution in the city. During the event, several runners and a race official were hospitalized for various medical reasons ranging from dehydration to heart attack.

Beijing Air Pollution 70th Anniversary of Victory in World War II

Beijing to Impose Severe Punishment on Companies who Fail to Comply with Emission Restrictions Ahead of September Military Parade

Beijing environmental watchdog has announced on Wednesday that companies, who fail to comply with the directive to reduce pollution from Aug. 10, will be subjected to severe punishment including fines.


Chinese Scientists Identify Soot Aggregates to be Most Harmful PM2.5

Chinese scientists have discovered that soot aggregates are the most harmful particulate matter measuring 2.5 micrometers (PM2.5).

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