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China space program

China will launch on August the first ever satellite developed under its Teen Satellite Project.

China to Launch First Teen-Made Satellite 'Shaoning Xing' in August

China's first satellite developed by teenagers, dubbed as the Shaoning Xing, will be launched in August. The move is part of China's Teen Satellite Project that aims to engage the young generation in thinking about space, STEAM education, and satellite development.

China launched its first cargo spacecraft Tianzhou-1.

China Launches First Robotic Resupply Freighter Tianzhou-1

China launched its first cargo spacecraft Tianzhou-1 on Thursday, marking another step further in the country's ambitious space program.

China plans to launch its Chang'e-5 in November.

China Plans to Launch Chang'e-5 in November

China is poised to launch its latest lunar probe, the Chang'e-5, in November, according to People's Daily newspaper citing the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation on Monday.

Long March 7

Tourists Flock Launch Center As China Opens Up its Space Program

China, known for its highly secret space program recently opening its space project to tens and thousands of tourists in a surprising reversal of policy.

China Starts Operation of World’s Largest Telescope.

China Starts Hunting for Alien Life With World’s Largest Telescope

After being in construction for almost five years, China finally started operating the world's largest radio telescope on Sunday in Guizhou province. The gigantic telescope, which demonstrates China's growing space ambition, has been designed to search for signs of extraterrestrial life in our complex universe.

China Space Program

China Ramps Up International Space Program

China is moving closer to its goal of becoming a “space superpower,” as it the Chinese government expands the nation’s international exchange space program for its astronauts.

China Space Program

China’s Space Program to Develop Family of Robots for Mars Mission

China's space program will receive a major boost as the nation's leading space agency intends to develop a family of robots that will be tasked to handle its unmanned and manned space exploration efforts.

China space mission

China’s Space Program Continues Incredible Growth

A Chinese scientist has said that China will send five new satellites to space within five years as part of the country's rapidly growing space program.


China’s involvement in modern astronomy is moving quietly, steadily

The role of China in space exploration is prevalent in the industry.

The dark side of the moon.

China's Space Program: China to Land on the Dark Side of the Moon

In consistence with the latest updates, China has big plans to embark on an exploration on the far side of the moon.

Chinese Rockets

Chinese Scientists Say It Is Possible To Develop Fuel-Free Spacecraft

Is it really possible to create a spacecraft that does not run on fuel? This is the question Chinese scientists are facing in their yet another ambitious goal of expanding their horizons in deep space. Chinese scientists have said that developing a fuel-free spacecraft will be possible with the help of sunlight to power it.

Long March 3B rocket

China Completes Its First Cargo Spacecraft Design

Scientists and space engineers will soon start building an elaborate production model of Tianzhou.

Jade Rabbit

Chang'e 5, China's New Moon Mission, is on Track for 2017 Landing

Chang'e 5 will return lunar samples to Earth.

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