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Chinese hackers

Hit by hackers from China

Chinese Government Hackers Steal Secret Data from US FDIC

The report criticized the FDIC as "technologically inept."

Microsoft failed to notify concern victims of allegedly Chinese authorities attack

Hotmail Email Users Kept in Dark About Chinese State-Sponsored Attack; Microsoft to Change Policy

After exposing the allegedly widespread hacking activities of Chinese authorities, tech giant Microsoft Corporation has come to terms with the fact that it has to alter its existing policy. The company will now inform or send notification to concerned email customers if they are being subjected to state-sponsored cyber attacks.

Chinese Hackers Attack Taiwan's Opposition Democratic Progressive Party

Chinese Hackers Attack Taiwan's Opposition Democratic Progressive Party

Chinese hackers are said to be targeting Taiwan's local news organization and the opposition Democratic Progressive Party with the motive of obtaining advanced information about politics and speeches before the elections.

China on US OPM cyber attack: an act of crime, not a state-sponsored activity

China Denies Involvement in US' OPM Data Breach, Clears Name by Arresting Suspects

China has reportedly detained the hackers responsible for the breaching the database of the US Office of Personal Management in June this year. The breach allegedly exposed sensitive data of over 20 million former and current federal employees. This is the first time that the People's Republic has admitted that the masterminds behind the breach are Chinese, but the government insists it did not sanction the hacking.

U.S. Government to Punish Chinese Hackers Before President Xi Jinping's State Visit

United States President Obama Plans Punish Chinese Hackers Ahead of President Xi's Visit

U.S. President Barack Obama is planning to punish alleged Chinese hackers who have been stealing American government and commercial secrets. Analysts believe that sanctions may be imposed against them by next week before Obama meets with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Washington later this month.

Fan Changlong

Chinese Military Delegation to Visit U.S. Despite Tensions in Pacific and Cyber Attack Allegations

A Chinese military delegation headed by the Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission, Fan Changlong is scheduled to arrive in the United States this week for a meeting with the American Defense Secretary as well as a tour of the Pentagon and other military installations.

OPM Hack

OPM Hack: China Denies Involvement in United States Federal Government Database Breach

A United States federal agency that keeps the personal data of existing and former government employees has been hacked by unknown hackers. US officials have noted that they suspect Chinese hackers to be behind the incident, but a top Chinese officials has denied the government's complicity in the data breach.

OPM Hack

OPM Hack: China Denies Involvement in United States Federal Government Database Breach

A United States federal agency that keeps the personal data of existing and former government employees has been hacked by unknown hackers. US officials have noted that they suspect Chinese hackers to be behind the incident, but a top Chinese officials has denied the government's complicity in the data breach.

A secret hacker group claims that they are making headways in their spying activities against ISIS.

Chinese Hackers Slowly Seeking To Reverse Their Bad Image; Low Salary Said To Led Them Do Bad

China's hackers are now getting recognition and respectability for their skills but they still evoke a bad image.


Chinese Hackers Attack U.S. Weather Network, Congressman Accuses NOAA of Cover-Up

U.S. Rep. Frank Wolf, (R-Va.) has accused the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of misleading the American public. "They had an obligation to tell the truth," he said. "They covered it up."

Chinese Hackers

China Says US Fabricating Facts on Hacking Cost

After FBI Director James Comey said that Chinese cyber criminals are attacking United States companies and costing the government billions of dollars in damage, the Chinese government said Sunday that Comey's statements were an "unjustified fabrication of facts."

Over half of Chinese government websites are flawed in their coding, leaving the highly vulnerable to cyber-attacks.

On The Right Path To Fixing China's Comprisable Government Websites

As different government organizations embrace and adapt the digital days by utilizing online services and advantages, the security of these site are revealing to be subpar - leaving these sites at high risk for certain cyber security breaches and attacks.

Symantec Headquarters

Symantec Says its Products are Still Allowed in China

Beijing is aiming to promote the use of domestic information technology software.

Computer security

How Hackers Hack: the Six Steps to Successful Hacking

Cyber-attacks are going to increase but can be prevented.

China Cyber Spies

China Hackers: What Were They After?

The U.S. Justice Department recently released information on what the arrested Chinese military hackers charged with cyber theft were looking for.

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