03/31/2025 07:08:06 pm

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Cornell University

Survive the zombie apocalypse

Yes, the Math Shows Zombies can Wipe-out the Human Race in just Three Months but ...

This outcome depends on humans not fighting back and killing zombies wholesale.

Let me play among the stars

Star Trek got it Wrong; Aliens will Only Meet Humans 1,500 Years from now

This conflicting data shows SETI still has a very, very long way to go.

baidu AI

Baidu Voice System Recognizes Languages Better Than Humans Can

Chinese Internet-search giant Baidu (BIDU) has created a voice system that uses deep learning to be able to recognize English and Mandarin better than a person can.

In-flight meal

Study Reveals Which In-flight Meals Are Yummiest and Tasteless

In-flight meals taste differently, some more delicious, some tasteless, because of the airplane noise.

Squid-like rover design

Squid-Like Rover to Explore Salty Icy Seas of Jupiter's Moon Europa

Cornell University researchers proposed to use a squid-like rover to explore Jupiter's moon, Europa in 2020.

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