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K2-33b, shown in this illustration, is one of the youngest exoplanets detected to date.

Newborn Youngest Planet Ever Detected Provides Clues How Planets Form

New findings reveal a baby exoplanet that is considered to be the youngest planet ever detected, providing clues about how planets form and evolve.

This artist’s impression shows a hot Jupiter planet orbiting close to one of the stars in the rich old star cluster Messier 67, in the constellation of Cancer (The Crab).

More 'Hot Jupiters' Detected in Massive Star Cluster

Astronomers have detected a high amount of "hot Jupiters" inside a star cluster that is somewhat similar to our solar system, with stars the same age as our sun.

Artist's impression of the simultaneous stellar eclipse and planetary transit events on Kepler-1647.

Biggest Alien Planet Like 'Tatooine' Found Orbiting Two Suns

Astronomers discovered the largest planet orbiting two stars similar to Tatooine in Star Wars. some 3,700 light years away.

An artist’s impression of likely new giant planet PTFO8-8695 b, which is believed to orbit a star in the constellation Orion every 11 hours. Gravity from the newborn star appears to be pulling away the outer layers of the Jupiter-like planet.

This 'Baby Jupiter' is Being Ripped Apart by its Own Sun

Astronomers detected a "baby Jupiter" that is orbiting so close to its own star that it is now being ripped apart and destroyed in the process.

This artist's concept depicts select planetary discoveries made to date by NASA's Kepler space telescope.

NASA Detects 1,284 Alien Planets Using New Technique

NASA's Kepler Space Telescope discovered a treasure trove of exoplanets in a single discovery, the biggest one yet, where nine of them are Earth-like.

Oldest micrometeorites

Oldest Meteorites Discovered Upend Theories about Habitability of Early Earth

Analysis of these 60 micrometeorites disputes this theory in a big way.

Cascading comets around a distant star

Alien Megastructure Star Detected? No, Just Blame Blurry Instruments and Flawed Data

A new study investigates the bizarre dimming star that is believed to be caused by an alien megastructure, however, scientists believe this is just flawed data.


NASA Confirms 1,284 Exoplanets Discovered by Kepler Space Observatory

Close to 550 of these newly-validated planets could be rocky planets like Earth based on their size.

This illustration shows a cool star, called W1906+40, marked by a raging storm near one of its poles. The storm is thought to be similar to the Great Red Spot on Jupiter. Scientists discovered it using NASA's Kepler and Spitzer space telescopes.

Raging Giant Storm Found On Star As Big As Jupiter's Great Red Spot

Astronomers have detected a massive storm on a small star detected by NASA telescopes, similar to Jupiter's Great Red Spot.

The birth of three new planets is captured for the first time inside the protoplanetary disk of LkCa 15.

For the First Time Ever, Scientists Witness Birth of Three New Planets

New findings reveal that three exoplanets in the star system LkCa 15 are in the process of forming, as scientists capture them in real time.

Artist's conception of Jupiter's twin

Solar System 2.0? Jupiter's Twin Detected Orbiting a Star Similar to Our Own Sun

Astronomers have detected an exoplanet almost identical to Jupiter that is currently in orbit with its parent star which is also similar tour own sun.


What's the Weather in an Alien Planet?

Astronomers studied the weather in exoplanets and observed how they compare to Earth's.

This artist's impression of super-Earth 55 Cancri e shows a hot partially-molten surface of the planet before and after possible volcanic activity on the day side.

Closest 'Super Earth' Not Full of Diamonds But Scorching Lava and Volcanoes

New observations reveal that the closest super Earth, 55 Cancri e is apparently covered with volcanoes and lava due to extreme, scorching surface temperatures.

NASA's concept of NExSS

NASA's New NExSS Program to Search for Alien Life in 2017

Researchers that will be involved in the NExSS project will follow a system science approach for their study.

Star system Kepler-444

Planets as Old as the Universe Discovered

The system seems to have five planets similar to the Earth while its solar system has similarities to ours.

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