03/31/2025 06:24:04 pm

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intercontinental ballistic missiles

B-52 power

US Talks Peace but Prepares for a Catastrophic War in Korea

"Si vis pacem, par bellum."

No hit, no kill

Hawaii More Threatened by North Korean ICBMs than US Mainland

"Kim Jong-un is clearly in a position to threaten Hawaii today, in my opinion," said Adm. Harris.


US will use Laser-Armed Aerial Drones to Shoot-down Chinese ICBMs

Missile defense is one of the new applications being explored for laser-armed RPAs.

Missile early warning

New US Missile Warning Satellites Make China’s DF-41 ICBM More Vulnerable

DF-41 will be the world's longest ranged missile.

Oldies but goodies

40 year-old IBM Minicomputer will help direct any US Nuclear Missile Attack

The Air Force operates some 450 Minuteman-III missiles.

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