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Jupiter from June

First Images Ever of Jupiter’s North and South Poles Lead to Unique Discoveries

All eight of Juno's science instruments were energized and collected data.

Welcome to Jove!

Juno Probe Successfully Enters the Orbit of Jupiter

Juno will orbit Jupiter 37 times over the next 20 months.

Hello, darling

Apple and NASA Celebrate with Songs Juno Probe’s July 4 Rendezvous with Jupiter

NASA wants to inspire musicians and everyone to hear more about the Juno mission.

Launching from Earth in 2011, the Juno spacecraft will arrive at Jupiter in 2016 to study the giant planet from an elliptical, polar orbit. Juno will repeatedly dive between the planet and its intense belts of charged particle radiation, coming only 5,000

NASA Juno Probe to Enter Jupiter Orbit on July 4

NASA scientists are anticipating the arrival of the Juno spacecraft as it is now only less than a month away from entering Jupiter's orbit.

Band-aged planet

New Map Shows Jupiter in Greatest Detail Yet

The research team was able to construct a better global picture of the massive gas giant.

True color image of Jupiter’s moon Io made by the Galileo spacecraft. Io has no identified impact craters because massive volcanic eruptions continually resurface it.

Jupiter Moon Io Squeezes Out Mountains to Release Magma

New findings reveal how Jupiter's pockmarked moon Io creates giant mountains to release magma flow underneaths its crust.

By Jove!

Europa is More Earth-like than Previously Thought

Scientists surmise Europa's rocky interior is much more Earth-like than previously suggested.

Artist's conception of Jupiter's twin

Solar System 2.0? Jupiter's Twin Detected Orbiting a Star Similar to Our Own Sun

Astronomers have detected an exoplanet almost identical to Jupiter that is currently in orbit with its parent star which is also similar tour own sun.

Venus And Jupiter Are Having A Celestial Date Tonight

Venus And Jupiter Are Having A Celestial Date Tonight

Two planets are set to make a dramatic and spectacular sighting on June 30. The second and the fifth planets farthest from the sun, Venus and Jupiter, are going to converge at the end of the month. According to astronomers, Jupiter and the stars behind it have gradually slipped lower in the evening twilight. Venus, on the other hand, has stayed up high because of its rapid orbital motion around the sun. The resulting slow-motion convergence, which should be visible in a clear sky through the use of sky-gazing equipment, will give a fascinating view.

Dark Stripes in Europa Rumors as Sea Salt

Experiment conducted by NASA on moon Europa suggests that the appearance of mysterious, dark stripes seen on the surface on the moon is possibly a result of sea salt combined with a space full of radiation.

Cornell Eel-like Robot May Possibly Explore Europa Moon

The soft, flexible marine rover would only use resources in its extraterrestrial environment to power itself through the water.

Squid-like rover design

Squid-Like Rover to Explore Salty Icy Seas of Jupiter's Moon Europa

Cornell University researchers proposed to use a squid-like rover to explore Jupiter's moon, Europa in 2020.

Jupiter's icy moon, Europa

Mysterious Streaks on Jupiter's Moon Europa Revealed: Salt Exposed to Radiation

A new NASA experiment reveals that Europa's surface is apparently marked with dark, mysterious material that could originate from sea salt.

51 Pegasi b and Jupiter

First Visible Light Seen from Alien Exoplanet

These observations also revealed new properties of this famous object, the first exoplanet ever discovered around a normal star: 51 Pegasi b.


NASA Predicts Alien Life will be Discovered in 10 to 20 Years

NASA said recent findings may actually lead to finding life.

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