02/23/2025 10:53:55 am

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Inexplicable Surge in Methane Emissions Imperils World’s Fight to Slow Climate Change

The findings could give new global attention to methane, which is much less prevalent in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide.

Genetically Modified Rice That Wouldn’t Contribute Much To Global Greenhouse Emission

Genetically Modified Rice That Wouldn't Contribute Much To Global Greenhouse Emission

Scientists have created a new variety of rice (GMO rice) by transferring a barley gene into rice plant, says a study published in the journal Nature. About half the world's population consume rice and when rice is grown, about 25 million to 100 million metric tons of methane is emitted into the atmosphere every year which has an important role in the global green-house gas emission.

Mysterious Methane Hot Spot

Scientists Try to Solve the Methane Hot Spot in the Four Corners of U.S.

The plume discovered over Four Corners raises the possibility large amounts of methane are escaping from the mines.


Cassini Spots Sunny Methane Seas on Titan

The seas on Titan consist mostly of liquid ethane and methane.


Newly-discovered Ocean Microbes Eat Most of the World’s Methane

The microbes eat about 80 to 90 percent of methane released through cracks in the ocean floor.

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