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Russia Opens Contest to Select Cosmonauts that will Land on the Moon

They will be the first Russians to land on the Moon.

Millionaire astronauts

SpaceX will Send Two Millionaires around the Moon in 2018

"This would do a long leap around the moon," said Musk.


The Moon is a Planet and not a Moon, as is Pluto, Claims new Study

"In keeping with both sound scientific classification and people's intuition, we propose a geophysically based definition of planet ..."


Trump to Transform NASA into Money-Making Business; will Return Americans to the Moon

Privatizing the U.S.' space efforts is the main aim of the billionaire boys club.


‘Extra Supermoon’ Closest Since 1948

A rare cosmic phenomenon will take place next Monday, Nov. 14. A “supermoon” occurs when the Moon gets very close to the Earth. However, the upcoming phenomenon is dubbed as “extra supermoon,” a cosmic event not seen in the skies in the last 68 years.


New Theory Explains Moon’s Current Location

A recently published theory highlighted a new look at how the moon could have possibly reached its current position in relevant to the Earth. The new theory offered a new twist to the generally accepted “giant impact” theory.


Scientists Finally have an Explanation for the Formation of the Orientale Ringed Crater on the Moon

Scientists have debated for years about how those rings formed.

I'm thirsty

Water-powered Satellite to Orbit the Moon

Cornell's water-powered CubeSat has a very important goal, and that is to demonstrate you can use water as a propellant,.

Really big and fsst

Fantastic ‘Solar Express’ will Take People to the Moon in Just Two Hours

Once perfected, Solar Express should be capable of tearing through space at one percent the speed of light.

china moon

China Plans to Create Permanently Manned Lunar Base

China revealed its plan to create a permanently manned radar station on the moon to monitor Earth.

Goodbye, Yutu

It’s Over for China's Jade Rabbit Lunar Rover; History-making Rover is Declared Dead

Yutu was declared a derelict on July 31 after a total of 31 months.

Moon miner.

Moon Express Becomes the First Private Company in the World that will Land on and Mine the Moon

MoonEx was founded in 2010 with the goal of winning the Google Lunar X Prize.

Paying the price

Deep Space Radiation is Killing-off Apollo Astronauts; Raises Red Flag for Missions to Mars

Delp found that 43 percent of deceased Apollo astronauts died from a cardiovascular problem.

Next stop for China

China's Chang’e-5 to Land on the Ocean of Storms in late 2017

China is looking for an "unprecedented landing site" for Chang'e-5.

Mine me to the Moon

Moon Express will Become First Company to Land on and Mine the Moon

MX-1 is a spacecraft and mining robot rolled into one.

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