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Nano Tech 2005 Highlights Latest Nano Technology

China to Build World's Biggest Nanotechnology Research Platform: Report

China is planning to build the biggest multifunctional research platform for nanotechnology in the world, a bid to develop and produce more powerful computers and smart robots, an official media reported on Tuesday.

The future is nano

Here’s How Nanoscience will Improve Our Health and Lives in the Next Few Years

"This is the age of discovery for nanoscience and nanotechnology."

Humai Claims Resurrection After Death Possible in 30 Years With Artificial Intelligence

Humai Claims Resurrection After Death Possible in 30 Years With Artificial Intelligence

A Los Angeles-based tech company Humai has just announced its plans to bring the dead back to life, transplanting their consciousness into a new brain into an artificial body.

Humans to resurrect with Artificial Intelligence by 2045

Secret to 'Living' Forever: Technology Company Reveal Way to Bring You Back After Death

A technology Company is hopeful that their science fiction work may become science fact in just 30 years from now. The company, Humai says it is concentrating on a project that would allow a human's consciousness to be transferred to an artificial body after their death.


The Restless Computer Genius Ray Kurzweil Suggests Funnier, Sexier And Godlike Human Being Through Nanotechnology [Watch Video]

The restless computer genius, Ray Kurzweil predicted the possibility of enhancing human qualities in the future through the aid of nanotechnology.

DNA Origami Could Be Used In Therapies One Day

DNA Origami Could Be Used In Therapies One Day

Intricate structures at nano scale using DNA referred as DNA origami are designed by researchers at Karolinska Institute in Sweden, published in the journal Nature.

The Sierra SunTower power plant in Lancaster, California

New Solar Power Material Converts Almost All Captured Light into Heat

The whole-day production of CSP plants is a big advantage over photovoltaic solar plants.

Types of carbon nanotubes

Pores in Carbon Nanotubes Make Big Impact

The nanotube porins could eventually be used as a foundation for novel biosensors and DNA sequencing applications.


First DNA Crystals to Revolutionize Future Nanotechnology

The new development could lead to scalable production of nanodevices in fields such as computer science, biology and microscopy.

University of California, Irvine School of Engineering

Engineers Develop Prototype of Cheap, Disposable Lung Infection Detector

With a $1.3 million grant from the National Science foundation, engineers from the University of California, Irvine, are developing a cheap and disposable breath analysis device that can immediately detect a lung infection, similar to the breathalyzer used by police to monitor blood alcohol levels.


New Techniques Make Microscopes 20 Times More Sensitive

Australian National University researchers have devised a way to make microscopes magnify 20 times more than usual. This magnification allows scientists to see and identify substances and matter as minuscule as or even smaller than a virus.

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