03/06/2025 10:05:35 pm

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North America

IKEA Opens New Store In Nanjing

Chinese Consumers Want Ikea to Recall Dressers After Incidents in North America

Chinese consumers are calling on Swedish furniture maker, Ikea, to recall its dressers and chests shipped to the country after the company announced a recall of the same products in the United States and Canada.

Partly reassembled mastodon tusk from the Page-Ladson site in northwestern Florida. Curvature and size show this is an upper left tusk of a mature male mastodon. Tusk pieces held in place by Jessi Halligan of Florida State University (left), with assistan

Mastodon Tusk Reveals Ancient Humans Arrived in America Earlier Than First Thought

New discoveries involving ancient tools and a mastodon's tusk reveal how early humans first arrived in Florida before the Clovis culture.

The newly discovered and second Viking site is found in the southwestern-most coast of Newfoundland, Canada.

Archaeologists Discover New Viking Settlement in Canada

Researchers in Newfoundland and Labrador have found a possible second Vikings settlement in North America.

China's Most Wanted Financial Fugitives Living Freely in US and Canada

China's Most Wanted Financial Fugitives Living Freely in US and Canada

China is finding it hard to arrest economic fugitives who have fled to Canada and the U.S. due to the absence of extradition treaties with both countries.

2018 FIFA World Cup Preliminary Draw Assistants

2018 FIFA World Cup Russia Preliminary Draw Results: North, Central America And Caribbean Zone

The road to the 2018 FIFA World Cup for the teams in the CONCACAF were determined last Saturday in St. Petersburg.


North American Wild Horse Rejected From Endangered List

North American wild horses also referred to as "Mustangs" are the successors of Spanish or Iberian horses that Spanish explorers brought to America in the 16th century. The word mustang was derived from the Spanish word "Mustengo," which means "stray horse."

A Gap retail store is shown in San Francisco, California, May 8, 2013.

Gap Closes 175 Stores, Cuts Jobs To Be More 'Vibrant'?

World-renowned clothing brand Gap announced Monday that it will be closing 175 of its stores across North America. The change will reportedly be part of a comeback plan for the brand which has had declined sales for five straight quarters.

polar bear

Mass Species Extinction Expected Because of Climate Change

Climate change could lead 16 percent of the world's species to extinction.

bird flu

North America Confirms First Case of Bird Flu in Woman After China Trip

North America has confirmed its first human case of H7N9 bird flu in a woman who recently traveled to China.

Polar Vortex

North America Braces for Another Polar Vortex

North America from Canada to as far south as Florida, Texas and New Mexico bracing for an early winter experience in November with the return of the polar vortex.

Partial Eclipse on Thursday will make the Sunset looking like a Fingernail

The eclipse will reach its peak by 5:45 P.M. ET.

Google Voice MMS Now Supported By Almost 100 Carriers

Google Voice users can now rejoice as the Google app now supports multimedia message service (MMS) for almost a hundred carriers in North America.

The FIFA 15 game logo

'FIFA 15' Demo to be Available 'Later Today' in North America

EA is attempting to create the most realistic football game in FIFA 15.

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