03/04/2025 12:15:23 pm

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Parasitic Worm May Increase Fertility in Women

A Certain Species of Parasitic Worm May Increase Fertility in Women: Study

A study published in the journal Science has revealed that women who have fertility problems could turn to a parasitic worm for help.

Cellscope Loa Detects ‘Eye Worm’ Parasites

Technology is used as a tool for medications. There are cases that mobile smartphones are considered as life saving device. Scientists from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the University of California, Berkeley developed a device that could detect parasites.

Blood Parasites Can Be Detected Now Using Smartphone Microscope

Researchers have discovered a better way of detecting parasites in our blood. Using a newly developed smartphone microscope device, they can now detect and calculate infection caused by parasites in human blood.

Young bees

Nicotine and Caffeine Can Help Extend Bees' Life, Study Says

The bees involved in the study were taken from a number of colonies to avoid seeing a colony-specific response.

Mitosporidium daphniae

Swiss Researchers Describe Evolution of Extreme Parasites

Zoologists from the University of Basel in Switzerland have discovered Mitosporidium daphniae, a new species of parasite that illustrates the missing link between an extreme group of parasites and fungi, shedding light on the evolution of the disease-causing parasites in animals and humans.


Chinese Man's Love of Sashimi Results In Full-Body Tapeworm Infestation

It is believed the man became infection by eating contaminated sashimi, a Japanese delicacy consisting of raw fish.

The Lone Star tick, Amblyomma americanum

Ticks that Cause Severe Meat Allergy are Spreading Across the U.S.

There are at least 1,500 cases of persons in the U.S. who had been bitten by the Lone Star tick.


Archaeologists Find 6,200-Year Old Parasite

Archaeologists have uncovered ancient evidence of infection by a parasitic worm that causes schistosomiasis, a disease that ails millions of people today.

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