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Philippine Navy

Arms sales

Japan Boosting Arms Sales to Southeast Asian Nations as Part of Anti-China Strategy

"Ensuring safety of navigation and flight contributes to the peace and prosperity of Japan and international society."

Long range

New Philippine Navy Warship Radar Systems will Improve Detection of Foreign Aircraft

The sale aims to improve the Philippine Navy's interoperability with the U.S. Navy.

Deter China

South Korea to Build Two New Missile-Armed Frigates for the Philippine Navy

The deal was initiated by the previous Philippine president, Benigno Simeon Aquino III.

Japan and the US

Japan to Increase South China Sea Patrols with US and Asian Allies

Japan will conduct bilateral and multilateral exercises with regional navies such as the Vietnam People's Navy and the Philippine Navy.

China to Build Artificial Islands in Scarborough Shoal Despite US Warning

China to Build Artificial Island on Scarborough Shoal

The Philippines has expressed worry after a swarm of Chinese vessels have been stationed close to the disputed Scarborough Shoal in the South China Sea, sparking concerns that Beijing plans to conduct land reclamation work in the disputed area.

Philippine air power

Philippines Posts Record Defense Budget for Second Straight Year

Philippine defense spending for 2017 is expected to again focus on the acquisition of modern hardware for the long-neglected Philippine Navy and Philippine Air Force.

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