03/09/2025 10:45:42 am

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Fire Ant

Study Says that Wildlife Corridors May Be Responsible for Spread of Invasive Species

Wildlife corridors may be helping invasive species spread quickly.

Qi power charger

Wireless Charging for Devices Could be Widespread by 2015

Wireless charging technology is fast becoming a reality.

Prof. Yoshiki Sasai

Japanese Stem-Cell Scientist Commits Suicide

He co-authored two research studies about creating stem cells.

An elderly man muses.

Eyesight Affects Intelligence in Old Age

The study sought to test "inspection time."

Happiness meter

What's the Scientific Secret to Happiness?

Expectations play a great role in happiness

Xbox One

Kids that Play Video Games Moderately are Better Adjusted

It makes them better adjusted adjusted than more zealous gamers.

Rosetta Probe set to meet Comet C-G

Rosetta Probe set to rendezvous with Comet C-G

Rosetta Probe set to rendezvous with Comet C-G

The Protector

Undersea Drones are Exploring the Ocean’s Uncharted Waters

The drone can be essential in preventing tragedies.

Jade Rabbit

Chang'e 5, China's New Moon Mission, is on Track for 2017 Landing

Chang'e 5 will return lunar samples to Earth.

Teen Binge Drinking

Scientists Say that A Computer Can Now Detect Future Teen Binge Drinkers

A new study shows a trained computer can predict whether children will become binge drinkers by the time they turn 16.

DNA of Extinct Human Species Help Tibetans Adapt to High Altitudes

DNA of Extinct Human Species Help Tibetans Adapt to High Altitudes

A gene unique to an extinct human species is attributed to Tibetans' ability to adapt to high altitudes.

Can Too Much Vitamins In Cereals Be Harmful To Kids?

Breakfast cereals may pose serious health risks to children because of too much vitamins, a new report found.

Facial and Body Scrub Microbeads Pose Serious Risk to Environment

Environmentalists recently found an abundance of microbeads, which are commonly found in facial scrubs, body scrubs, soaps and toothpaste, in several bodies of water including Lake Michigan and Lake Ontario.

The experimental carbon nanotube forest that drew water from air

Water From Air? Scientists Report Successful Water Harvesting Experiment

Scientists succeed in using carbon nanotubes to harvest water from air


Earth's Most Abundant Mineral is Seen for the First Time and is Given a Name

What on Earth is the Earth's most abundant mineral?

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