02/23/2025 01:52:54 am

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The young HD100546 star

New Planet Forms 355 Light Years from Earth

This prospective planet is the second one that researchers have observed orbiting the star.

An x-ray of the Sun

Scientists Find New Clues on the Solar Cycle

Scott McIntosh, a space scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Col., and his colleagues have discovered that a new marker, named brightpoints, to observe in order to track the constant shifting of elements inside the sun.

Project Harmony Logo

Playing Music Helps Children Learn Better

The results researchers collected from the study suggest the children's brains only start to react to the music lessons after at least two years of music tutorials.


New Mobile Device Helps Faster DNA Result and Disease Diagnostics

Using Biomeme, smartphone could diagnose disease in a few minutes.

Cartilage cells grown in nasal cavity help to repair other joints

New Procedures Using Cartilage From Nose To Repair Knees

With a fairly simple process, nasal septum cartilage can be coaxed in to quickly reproducing. This cartilage producing technique provides the particular patients with their own foundation of joint cartilage. Doctors and scientists have been testing the process of repairing knee and other joints with the cartilage from their own nasal septum.

Comet collision

Formation of Planets Witnessed by Scientists

Astronomers for the first time have detected a distant young star's dust eruption that might be the result of the collision of large asteroids leading to the formation of a new planet. This might lead to a better understanding of how lanets took shape in our own solar system, scientists said

Nao Robot

Robots Help Children with Autism Improve Their Lives

The idea is to eventually give every child a personalized robot dedicated to providing motivation and praise.

Babysitter Dino

Chinese Dinosaur Fossils had Babysitter, Paleontologists Find

Paleontologists found a “Dinosaur babysitter” in a rock slab containing 24 young dinosaurs that seems to be taking care of the hatchlings.

Apis mellifera

Genomics Reveals Bee Evolution

Scientists from the Uppsala University in Sweden published the very first paper on the global analysis of honeybee genomes and found that there are high levels of genetic diversity in the colonial insects and signifies Asia as the species' origin, and not from Africa as initially thought.

'MythBusters' Discovery TV surviving hosts Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman

'MythBusters' Discovery TV science entertainment show blows up as three co-hosts ditched

'MythBusters" Discovery TV science entertainment show on Aug. 22, 2014 was showing a brief video announcing the departure of hosts Grant Imahara, Tony Belleci and Kari Byron after 10 years. founding hosts Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman made the announcement.

Earth's Missing Heat Likely Found in Atlantic

Earth's Missing Heat Likely Found in Atlantic

A study in the journal Science offers an explanation to where Earth's missing heat has gone.

Ocean waves

Rapid Global Warming to Return after 15 Years

The mystery behind climate change has finally been explained.

Neanderthal family

Neanderthals and Modern Humans Had Sex, Confirms New Study

Anyone outside Africa has a Neanderthal origin with 1.5 to 2.1 percent of his DNA being Neanderthal.

Math is hard

Study: Kids’ Brains Benefit from Constant Math Drills

A new study suggests constant math exercises could benefit children in the long run.

A reconstruction of the Hallucigenia species

Scientists Discover the Truth About One of the Oddest Fossils Ever Found

Researchers at the University of Cambridge in England have linked one of the strangest fossils ever discovered, known as Hallucigenia, to present worm-like animals that inhabit tropical rainforests.

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