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Leap Second 2015: Why This Tuesday Will Be Longer Than Usual

Why This Tuesday Will Be Longer Than Usual

June 30 will be longer than usual as leap second will occur. In order to ensure time stays in sync with the Earth’s rotation, which is slowing down since the ocean tides are moving ahead of it, leap seconds are added once in a while to world time to significantly pull them back into proper alignment.

How A Science Project Lead to Discovery Of New Firefly Species

How A Science Project Lead To Discovery Of New Firefly Species

When 24-year-old Joshua Oliva went to do his usual insect hunting for a semester project, he never thought he’d make a significant discovery.

Hawaii Bans Harvesting Sea Cucumbers

Hawaii Bans Harvesting Sea Cucumbers

A 120-day emergency ban on the picking, obtaining and selling of any species of sea cucumbers found within Hawaii’s aquatic area was passed by The State Board of Land and Natural Resources on Friday, June 26.

Dark Knight: 3 Things You Should Know About This Blacker Than Coal Exoplanet

Dark Knight: 3 Things You Should Know About This Blacker Than Coal Exoplanet

On June 28, a planet nicknamed “Dark Knight” was observed in a live public observation online. The darker than coal exoplanet was spotted using the 1.52 meter infrared Carlos Sánchez Telescope, which is the world’s largest infrared telescope. Despite being so dark, exoplanet TrES-2b or “Dark Knight” still absorbs light.

Alberta Releases Advisory Against Blue-Green Algae Bloom

Alberta Releases Advisory Against Blue-green Algae Bloom

This summer, blue-green algae or cyanobacteria blooms are once again invading Alberta lakes. And since they’re known to cause some harmful effects, Alberta Health Services (AHS) has issued an advisory for residents living near the area to take necessary precautions. The agency is warning the public to stay out of the water where the algae are visible. AHS also warned the residents and any visitors of the lake to consider limiting their consumption of fish and fish trimmings from the lake since fish may store toxins in their liver. In addition, the agency cautioned the residents not to feed their pet with the fishes or fish trimmings from the lake.

Photo-Toxic Plants Towering Toronto Parks

Photo-Toxic Plants Towering Toronto Parks

Recently, photo-toxic plants such as Wild Parsnip and its native cousin, the Cow Parsnip, have been found towering Toronto parks. These toxic plants are actually dangerous especially when their clear and watery sap, which contains the chemicals called furanocoumarins, touches the human skin. The sap can cause photodermatitis, a reaction that causes the affected skin to become hyper-sensitive to sunlight.

Scientists Uncover Truth About Wernicke’s Area

Scientists Uncover Truth About Wernicke’s Area

Scientists discovered a different language map by comparing two different models of a disease. One is based on strokes that destroy an entire region of the brain, cortex and the primary pathway, while the other is based on a neurodegenerative disease that mostly attacks brain cells in the cortex instead of the region as a whole.

Alberta Goldfish

Why Alberta Wildlife Experts Warn Not To Flush Live Goldfish Down Toilet

Wildlife experts in Alberta are cautioning residents from flushing their live goldfish pets down the toilet as they can pose a threat to Canada’s aquatic life.

Spaceflight Taking A Toll On Astronauts; Research Probes Effects Of Space Stress

Spaceflight Taking A Toll On Astronauts; Research Probes Effects Of Space Stress

A recent study aims to give an insight on how stress affects astronauts in space and several Human Research Program probes have been conducted aboard the International Space Station (ISS). During NASA’s 1YM, five Behavioral Health investigations were conducted to further learn and understand the brain’s activity once it is exposed to stress and fatigue in outer space. Since NASA prepares for future missions to asteroids, Mars and other celestial bodies, the space agency deemed it vital to fully understanding these stresses and how space crewmembers respond to them. And through the investigation, researchers hope they can reduce the negative impact that stress can cause to astronauts


E-cigarettes Study Finds Unclear Stand Of Smokers In Using Device

E-cigarettes or electronic cigarettes are battery-operated devices designed to turn nicotine into vapor. Upon its introduction in the market, many are skeptical of its potential effects to smokers. A new study has attempted to gather the thoughts of e-cigarette smokers in hopes of thoroughly understanding whether or not these smoking devices are helpful to smokers, who want to quit the vice.

What Happens When Earthquakes Strike Glaciers?

What Happens When Earthquakes Strike Glaciers?

Glacial earthquakes have been increasingly documented in recent years. In Greenland, these mysterious quakes have increased seven-fold in the past 20 years. Now, scientists believe they have figured out the dramatic geophysical effect brought by the rumbling phenomenon after large chunks of ice broke off of a glacier and made a huge splash into the cold waters. In a recent study published in the journal Science, researchers explained that glacial earthquakes can cause a seismic event detectable across the Earth.

Chinese Experiment

2015 National Chinese Science Festival To Showcase 1001 Inventions

For the first time, China will be unveiling the creations of Arab philosopher Ibn Al-Haytham to the world on its biggest national Science Festival on July 17 until August 2 at the Beijing Exhibition Center.

Coral Breeding May Answer Warming Seas Problem Due To Climate Change

Coral Breeding May Answer Warming Seas Problem Due To Climate Change

Over the past few decades, warming ocean waters due to climate change and global warming have been ravaging coral reefs. But in a new study published in the journal Science, a team of scientists from the U.S. and Australia revealed that there’s a possibility that deliberate breeding can pass on heat-tolerant genes to keep the threats of climate change at bay.


Chinese Scientists Found A Way To Turn Beer Into Glycogen Instead Of Fat

Chinese scientists are determined to show the world that drinking beer could be good for the human body, and so they conducted a research that may have found a way to make beer beneficial for the body. The study was published in the Journal of Lipid Research.

U.S. President Obama During His Visit In China

China, U.S. Collaborate In Medical Research Against Cancer, Other Diseases

China is strengthening its ties with the United States, particularly in the medical field, as it aims to realize research studies that can help contain cancer and many other life-threatening diseases.

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