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Babbler Bird

Do Outback Babbler Birds Speak Human Language?

What makes humans unique in this world is the fact that they are capable of speaking and communicating with each other using a language. But, is speaking using a language only limited to humans?

Numbing Nerve Cells Can Stop Asthma Attack – Study

Numbing Nerve Cells Can Stop Asthma Attack – Study

A recent study from Harvard Medical School, Boston Children’s Hospital, Brigham and Women’s Hospital endorses a new means of blocking asthma attack – tackling the lungs’ specific sensory nerve endings which play a role in triggering allergic inflammation.

Fruit Fly

Fruit Fly Study Finds Male Harassment Undermines Attractive Females

University of Queensland's School of Biological Sciences associate professor Steve Chenoweth said that his study showed that male harassment of female fruit flies inhibits the ability of the female species to adapt to new environmental conditions, Science Daily reports.

Scientists Uncover Truth About Wernicke’s Area

Scientists Uncover Truth About Wernicke’s Area

Scientists discovered a different language map by comparing two different models of a disease. One is based on strokes that destroy an entire region of the brain, cortex and the primary pathway, while the other is based on a neurodegenerative disease that mostly attacks brain cells in the cortex instead of the region as a whole.

Spaceflight Taking A Toll On Astronauts; Research Probes Effects Of Space Stress

Spaceflight Taking A Toll On Astronauts; Research Probes Effects Of Space Stress

A recent study aims to give an insight on how stress affects astronauts in space and several Human Research Program probes have been conducted aboard the International Space Station (ISS). During NASA’s 1YM, five Behavioral Health investigations were conducted to further learn and understand the brain’s activity once it is exposed to stress and fatigue in outer space. Since NASA prepares for future missions to asteroids, Mars and other celestial bodies, the space agency deemed it vital to fully understanding these stresses and how space crewmembers respond to them. And through the investigation, researchers hope they can reduce the negative impact that stress can cause to astronauts


E-cigarettes Study Finds Unclear Stand Of Smokers In Using Device

E-cigarettes or electronic cigarettes are battery-operated devices designed to turn nicotine into vapor. Upon its introduction in the market, many are skeptical of its potential effects to smokers. A new study has attempted to gather the thoughts of e-cigarette smokers in hopes of thoroughly understanding whether or not these smoking devices are helpful to smokers, who want to quit the vice.


Study Claims Material Objects Will Not Make You Happy

A new study has found that material things do not actually make ma happy. Scientists even claim that while many people enjoy buying things that make them happy, the feeling of satisfaction wears off once the novelty of the material objects fades


Chinese Scientists Found A Way To Turn Beer Into Glycogen Instead Of Fat

Chinese scientists are determined to show the world that drinking beer could be good for the human body, and so they conducted a research that may have found a way to make beer beneficial for the body. The study was published in the Journal of Lipid Research.

Great White Shark

Study Shows Humans Evolved from 'Cartilaginous Fishes'

The fossil provided researchers new evolutionary insights,.


China Leads World in Illegal Wildlife Trade; Alibaba, Baidu, WeChat Provide Havens

China leads the world in illegal wildlife trade, and Internet companies and social media platforms are providing havens that have allowed it to thrive.

China's Economy

Chinese Economy Won't Continue to Defy Growth Odds, Harvard Study Shows

China's economy has just increased by 7.3 percent as they have announced the third quarter year-on-year report, and it has been seen by the international community as China's "new normal" as opposed to its slow growth.

1934 Dust Bowl

1934 Dust Bowl is the Worst Drought Ever to Hit North America

The 1934 drought is definitely the worst measured by a large margin.

Video game violence

Study Shows Violent Media Increases Aggression in Children

A study conducted by Ohio State University has found that solid majorities of media researchers, parents, and pediatricians agree that exposure to violent media can increase aggression in young people.

Sense of smell study

Poor Sense of Smell a Predictor of Death, Says Study

Even a mild loss of the sense of smell was associated with lower life expectancy.

Harry Potter

'Harry Potter' Books are More Influential Than The Bible, According to Facebook Study

According to a recent study conducted by Facebook, JK Rowling’s Harry Potter is the most influential book(s) in people’s lives, even surpassing The Holy Bible.

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