03/04/2025 10:22:50 am

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Scientists Say Mozzarella's the Best Pizza Cheese

Researchers from the University of Auckland in New Zealand compared pizzas that used different cheeses.

Sire Ma Flies Off To England to Study

After being embroiled in a video scandal the previous month, Sire Ma has no work queued for her as she also suspended. The actress has reportedly decided to leave Hong Kong and headed to England to further her studies.

Malaria-carrying insects dissected

Study: Drug-resistant Malaria Present in Southeast Asia

Scientists call for ‘radical action’ to impede further spread of a drug-resistant malaria strain in Southeast Asia on Wednesday as studies indicate that it has now reached the border between Cambodia and Thailand.

Happy Couple

Happy Married Life: Key to Reducing Heart Diseases

Recent studies by Pittsburgh scientists show that a happy married life may be the key in reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, supporting earlier studies about links between marriage and cardiovascular disease.

Bad for your health

Watching Too Much TV Sitting Down Linked to Early Deaths Among Young Adults

It's also linked to developing certain types of cancer

Sleeping Just Right: Answer to Brain Function Decline in the Elderly

A recent study reveals that sleeping for full eight hours may help delay the deterioration of brain function that comes with old age, thus lowering the risk for elderlies to have dementia.

Study Finds New Drug That May Be Effective Against Cancer

A new pill may be effective against fighting off all cancers and preventing them from coming back, a new study finds.

Germs May Make Children Healthier - Study

Children exposed to allergens and bacteria in their first year of life show decreased risk of developing allergies and asthma later in life, according to a new study published in the Journal of Allergy and Criminal Immunology on June 6.

Low Sperm Motility Attributed to Intake of Sugar-Sweetened Drinks

A new study suggests that sugary drinks may have a negative effect on sperm motility.

Mers Virus

Scientists Will Test Cats and Dogs for Mers Virus

Scientists will soon be testing cats and dogs to further understand the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, or Mers.


Microorganism Study Gives Hope For Life On Mars

New study suggests the oldest and simplest microorganisms on Earth could survive on Mars, explaining methane gas in the red planet's atmosphere.

Robin Bird

"Electrosmog" Make Birds Get Lost in the City, Study Shows

A new study shows that birds exposed to AM waveband interference coming from urban areas lose their way.

People are Motivated to Volunteer Even When They are Angry or Sad, Study Shows

Empathy motivates people to volunteer, whether it is empathic sadness or anger, a new study shows.

Pregnancy Alters Your Brain, Study Shows

A recent study by the University of Royal Holloway London shows pregnant women display increased activity in the right side of their brain, which handles emotional skills.

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