03/28/2025 02:03:23 am

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Hongkong Rally

Hongkong Citizens Assemble at Victoria Park to Mark 26th Anniversary of Tiananmen Square Massacre

More than a hundred thousand Hongkong citizens gathered at Victoria park to mark the 25th anniversary of the June 4, 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre.

Veteran Activist Chen Zimming Dies From Pancreatic Cancer

Veteran Activist Dies From Pancreatic Cancer

An activist in the Tiananmen student protests in 1989 has died from pancreatic cancer

Three Sentenced To Death for Tiananmen Square Gate Attack

Three people linked to the deadly attack in Tiananmen Square last October that resulted in the deaths of two innocent bystanders were sentenced to death on Monday.

Zhou Fengsuo

Exiled Protest Leader Zhou Fengsuo Slips Into China Undetected

Exiled former protest leader Zhou Fengsuo said he slipped back into China undetected and spent two days in the capital in time for the 25th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square incident.

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