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U.S. Army


New and Better Armored JLTV to Join US Army and Marines by 2020

JLTV combines the armored protection of a Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicle such as the Cougar with the transportability of the Humvee.

Happy Birthday!

US Army Turns 242 Years-old; Ready to Win the Next Big War

"You've got to be ready," said acting Secretary of the Army Robert Speer.


US Marines Set to Adopt Army M855A1 EPR Rounds for their M4s and M16A4s

Army and Marine M4s both have a caliber of 5.56 mm and fire 5.56×45mm NATO rounds.

The best

World’s Best Combat Helmet to be Issued to Every US Marine

This helmet is made from thermoplastics instead of the ballistic fibers such as Kevlar used on the current generation combat helmets.

Being replaced

US Army Replacing M249 SAW with More Lethal Weapon

The army has designated this replacement light machine gun as the Next Generation Squad Automatic Rifle (NGSAR).


Cyber Warfare Weapons Defeat Simulated Tank Assault in US Army Training Exercise

Exercises like these help the army determine the technologies needed in the field.

Long range

US Army Pushes Long-Range Missile Bombardment Program

The army is now reverting to type to counter the improving long-range fire capabilities of Russia and China, especially the former.

More firepower

US Army to Deploy More Firepower to South Korea as Threat of War Remains

Gen. Milley estimates the situation in Korea calls for a forward presence with the right capacity.


US Army Abrams Tanks to be Defended by Israeli-made Trophy Active Protection System

Trophy intercepts and destroys incoming anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs) and rocket propelled grenades (RPGs).


US Army Stocking-up on Long-range Missiles and Ammo to Fight Russia and China

The funds will also go to replenishing and modernizing industrial facilities.

Headed for the army?

US Army Chief Approves Plans to Field New 7.62 mm Rifle Ammo

"We have developed a pretty effective round down at Fort Benning," he said.

Top gun

US Army's Dual Laser/EW System Destroys 79 Aerial Drones in Tests

"We achieved a success rate well beyond what we expected ... "

More in store

US Army Preparing to Win Urban Warfare, the Dominant Form of Future War

The army estimates that up to 90 percent of the world's population will live in cities and megacities by 2050.


US Army Looking at New and Heavier 7.62 mm Battle Rifle to Replace M4?

The Army's back to the future thinking is apparently being driven by the need to kill at longer ranges.


Fielding of US Army Driverless Technology will Save Many Lives in Convoys

AMAS is a low-cost, low-risk autonomy kit for military logistics vehicles.

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