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U.S. Marine Corps


New and Better Armored JLTV to Join US Army and Marines by 2020

JLTV combines the armored protection of a Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicle such as the Cougar with the transportability of the Humvee.

The best

World’s Best Combat Helmet to be Issued to Every US Marine

This helmet is made from thermoplastics instead of the ballistic fibers such as Kevlar used on the current generation combat helmets.

Long range

US to Soon Deploy Revolutionary Long-range G/ATOR Radar

G/ATOR will be delivered to the first Marine operational air unit in February 2018.


US F-35s Carry-out Bombing Drills in South Korea; SEAL Team Six Practices Raid to Kill Kim Jong-un

At least eight of these F-35Bs took part in a simulation-based precision bombing drill.

Need money

US Armed Forces Need Money Now to Fight Tonight

The U.S. Army is at its smallest level since before World War II.

War winner

US Generals say F-35 is 'a War Winner;' Want More of the Stealth Fighter Produced and Fast

General officers of the Marine Corps and Navy said their biggest problem with the F-35 is not having enough of the fighters with their front line squadrons.

Turkey shooters

F-35 Pilots will Quickly Wipe-out the PLA Naval Air Force in a South China Sea War

Confidence in the ability of the F-35 to dominate the Chinese remains high among the U.S. fighter pilots.

Stealth jet

US F-35B Stealth Fighters to Fly from UK Aircraft Carrier on South China Sea Patrols

The F-35B is the short takeoff and vertical landing (STOVL) variant of the F-35.

Jump jets

US Navy and Marines Intensify Airstrikes against ISIS in Libya

Wasp initially used AV-8B Harrier jump jets as strike aircraft and added AH-1W SuperCobra attack helicopters to provide close air support on these strike missions.

Better than the M4

M27 IAR Might Replace M4 as Primary Infantry Weapon of US Marines

The M27 has replaced the heavier M-249 Squad Assault Weapon (SAW).

Small aircraft carrier

Marine F-35B Stealth Jets Practicing Combat Take-offs and Landings aboard USS America

Her mission is to act as the flagship of an expeditionary strike group or amphibious ready group.

Like a chopper

First US Marine F-35 Squadron to be Permanently Based in Japan by 2017

VMFA-121 will be the first F-35 squadron permanently based in Japan.

Small spy

US Marines to Arm Combat Squads with Aerial Drones

"At the end of next year, my goal is that every deployed Marine infantry squad had got their own quadcopter," he said.

Sea warriors

Amid China Tensions, US Marines to Stage First Big Mock Beach Assault in Decades

There's still a need to train for these missions, especially as Marines test new high-tech tactics and gear.

Marine Corps Pressured to Lower Women Combat Standards

Interest groups in D.C. are trying to pressure the U.S. military to lower combat standards for women in the Marine Corps.

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