03/04/2025 09:29:37 pm

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U.S. Special Operations Command


US Special Forces; US Navy Join Fight against Islamic State Terrorists in Marawi City, Philippines

"The United States is a proud ally of the Philippines, and we will continue to work with the Philippines."


US Special Operations Command is Being Exhausted by the Relentless War on Terror

"I think the concerns that we have mostly are in readiness across the force."


TALOS Body Armor for US Special Forces, almost like Iron Man’s, to be Tested in 2018

The TALOS armor will be based on a revolutionary form of protection called "liquid armor."


TALOS Armored Combat Suit for US Soldiers to see Prototype by 2018

TALOS is a robotic exoskeleton SOCOM is building with the help of military contractors, universities and the tech industry.

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