03/05/2025 10:17:46 pm

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Kim Min-Seok

South Korea Tells China To Keep Off Its Defense Policy

South Korea told China to avoid meddling in its defense policy, specifically on the decision on whether or not to allow the United States to deploy its missile defense system in the Asian country.

Tom Price

Republicans Cut Social Spending To Boost Military Budget

The House budget by the Republican-run Congress proposed on Tuesday to cut social spending to increase military budget in an attempt to eliminate shortages in eight years' time.

U.S. Air Force Veteran Charged For Attempting To Join Islamic State

U.S. Air Force veteran Tairod Nathan Webster Pugh was caught trying to join the Islamimc State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), according to reports confirmed by authorities investigating the case.

John Kerry and Mohammad Jawad Zarif

Secretary of State John Kerry Believes A Deal With Iran's Nuclear Project Will Be Reached

The negotiation between Iran and sic other countries including the United States regarding the nuclear deal is still ongoing and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry believes that there is a huge possibility that in the next days, an interim deal will already be reached as the deadline nears.

Loretta Lynch

Abortion Issue Delays Confirmation Of New U.S. Attorney General

The confimation of the new Attorney General of the United States will have to wait, until U.S. lawmakers are able to come up with a decision that has nothing to do with the post, but in an abortion issue that is contained in a separate measure.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

Iran's Supreme Leader Khamenei Slams U.S. Republican's Letter

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei slammed a letter sent by a U.S. Republican, saying that he is worried because the United States is known for backstabbing.

Ukraine crisis

U.S. Sends Aid Package to Ukraine, Sanctions Russian-backed Separatists

The United States is showing its support for Ukraine by sending US$75 million worth of equipment and supplies to the country, which is currently besieged by Russian-back separatists.

Barack Obama

Obama Wants To Make Student Loans Easier To Understand

United States President Barack Obama has directed the Department of Education to create a system that will enable students to easily understand and manage ways to pay back their loans.

Barack Obama / Nicolas  Maduro

U.S. Tags Venezuela As A National Security Threat

The United States has declared Venezuela as national security threat and has imposed sanctions against seven officials from the oil-rich country.

US inmate

Operation Cross Check: ICE Arrests More Than 2,000 Immigrant Convicts

Immigration agents have arrested more than 2,000 convicts who have been illegally staying in the United States, in a five-day nationwide operation dubbed as Operations Cross Check.

Barack Obama

Iran Nuke Deal Pushes U.S. Republicans To Send Warning Letter To Iranian Officials

U.S. Republican Senators sent a warning letter to Iran in an effort to block President Barack Obama's effort to seal the Iran nuke deal.

Pregnant Woman

Feds Raid Alleged ‘Maternity Tourism’ Businesses Catering To Chinese

Federal agents raided on Tuesday several hotels in California which are suspected to be involved with “maternity tourism” that enables pregnant Chinese women to travel in the U.S. and have their infants born as U.S. citizens before returning back to China.

Nina Pham

Recovered Ebola Patient Nurse Nina Pham to Sue Texas Hospital for Negligence

Four months after recovering from the Ebola virus, Texas nurse Nina Pham is set to file a lawsuit against the Texas Health Resources for negligence.

Nicolas Maduro

Venezuela Detains U.S. Citizen For Spying

Tensions between Venezuela and the U.S. are gradually increasing after Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro announced the arrest of an American pilot in the western state of Tachira for alleged espionage.

Barack Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu

Tension Up As Netanyahu's Anti-Iran Speech In U.S. Congress Draws Near

Tension between the White House and Israel is mounting as the speech set to be made by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the U.S. Congress on Tuesday next week draws near.

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