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Ana Verayo

Launching from Earth in 2011, the Juno spacecraft will arrive at Jupiter in 2016 to study the giant planet from an elliptical, polar orbit. Juno will repeatedly dive between the planet and its intense belts of charged particle radiation, coming only 5,000

NASA Juno Probe to Enter Jupiter Orbit on July 4

NASA scientists are anticipating the arrival of the Juno spacecraft as it is now only less than a month away from entering Jupiter's orbit.

2009 satellite image of the Gulf of Mexico. Much of the dirt that colours the water is likely re-suspended sediment dredged up from the sea floor in shallow waters. The tan-green sediment-coloured water transitions to clearer dark blue water near the edge

Dead Zone in Gulf of Mexico Predicted to be as Big as Connecticut

NOAA predictions for this year's average size of the dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico reveals a size as big as the state of Connecticut.

An artist’s impression of likely new giant planet PTFO8-8695 b, which is believed to orbit a star in the constellation Orion every 11 hours. Gravity from the newborn star appears to be pulling away the outer layers of the Jupiter-like planet.

This 'Baby Jupiter' is Being Ripped Apart by its Own Sun

Astronomers detected a "baby Jupiter" that is orbiting so close to its own star that it is now being ripped apart and destroyed in the process.

Researchers led by Asa Rennermalm of Rutgers University and including the University of Georgia's Thomas Mote measure meltwater runoff from the ice sheet margin in Greenland during summer 2013.

Greenland is Melting Faster Due to Reversed Arctic Winds

A new study measured last year's ice sheet melting in Greenland, revealing rapid melting caused by reversed jet streams reaching the Arctic.

More than 80 percent of Americans and one third of humanity can no longer see the Milky Way from the skies.

One Third of the World Can No Longer See the Milky Way Due to Light Pollution

A new study and global atlas reveals how light pollution is preventing us to see the Milky Way across the night skies.

Just south of the ancient city of Petra lies a a hidden masive structure discovered by drones.

Mysterious Massive Ancient Monument Discovered in Petra by Drones

Satellite data obtained by drones helped discover an ancient monument near Petra, Jordan, as archaeologists describe this as "hiding in plain sight".

A basalt core from CarbFix site

Solution to Global Warming? Iceland Transforms Excess Carbon Dioxide Into Stone

In a new breakthrough technology, a power plant in Iceland can lock away carbon emissions in basalt, providing a possible solution for climate change.

Wayward artificial intelligence needs a

Stop the Robots! Google's DeepMind to Develop 'Kill Switch' for AI

A new paper released by Google's DeepMind division warns how artificial intelligence can become dangerous, proposing a "kill switch".

Deep in the heart of the Abell 2597 Brightest Cluster Galaxy, astronomers see a small cluster of giant gas clouds raining in on the central black hole

Monster Supermassive Black Hole Feeds on Chaotic Galactic 'Rain'

Astronomers have observed for the first time ever a supermassive black hole on a feeding frenzy of cold cosmic gas that appears like galactic "rain".

Four new elements will complete the seventh row on the periodic table.

Four Newly Discovered Elements to be Added to Periodic Table

Four new names for newly discovered elements are now released for public review, where they will complete the seventh row on the Periodic table.

Hobbits are confirmed to be a subhuman species living in Indonesia for at least 700,000 years ago.

Hobbits Existed in Indonesia at Least 700,000 Years Ago

New fossilized evidence reveal how tiny humans known as "Hobbits" used to live in a small island in Indonesia, dating back to more than 700,000 years ago.

Grant Zazula of the Yukon Paleontology Program with the skull of a Pleistocene steppe bison.

Ice Age Bison Fossils Reveal Clues About Human Migration in North America

New analysis of Ice Age bison fossils reveal the patterns of human migration across North America, also showing a "secret corridor".

Archerfish can recognize different facial features in human faces.

Fish Can Recognize Human Faces

A new study reveals how archerfish can apparently tell the difference among different human faces, proving a remarkable recognition ability in fish.

This computer-simulated image shows a supermassive black hole at the core of a galaxy. The black region in the center represents the black hole’s event horizon, where no light can escape the massive object’s gravitational grip. The black hole’s powerful g

Stephen Hawking: Escape from Black Holes is Possible with 'Soft Hair'

A new study shows how not all is lost that enters a black hole, as any information that enters can be retained by "soft hair" in the event horizon.

Artist's impression of LISA Pathfinder.

This Spacecraft Can Now Detect Ripples in Spacetime and Gravitational Waves

After completing and passing a crucial test, ESA's LISA Pathfinder spacecraft is now ready to detect gravitational waves in space.

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