03/03/2025 06:19:57 pm

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Marc Maligalig


'FIFA 15' Demo Now Available on PS3; PS4 Version Coming 'Shortly'

The gamer can see the accurate spin, curl and flight of the ball after each contact.

Cancer drugs

New Discovery Could Improve Future Chemotherapies

The results of the study could possibly lead to a new generation of chemotherapy medicines.

Home Depot

BlackPOS Malware Hacks into Home Depot

The malware was developed to steal important information from credit cards

The Verizon building

Verizon Offers Free iPhone 6 for Used Phone, Two-Year Contract

By revealing the actual cost of devices such as the iPhone, carriers offering equipment financing schemes are making high-priced hardware look less appealing to the average customer.

Mind controlling fungus

Fungi Zombify Specific Ant Species

A research team theorizes that every parasitic fungi has a specific ant species it chooses to infect.

The AMPK gene

Gene Delays Aging Process

The study could have significant implications for keeping aging and diseases at bay in humans.

Cyborg Unplug Blocks Unwanted Access to Wi-Fi Network

Cyborg Unplug functions as a handy router and a "wireless anti-surveillance system."

Adult Caenorhabditis elegans

'Fingerprinting' Cell Metabolism to Help Obesity, Diabetes Studies

Professor Ji-Xin Cheng, from the Wledon School of Biomedical Engineering and Department of Chemistry at the Purdue University, and his colleagues have used new imaging technologies to track the lipid metabolism of cells to find exactly where the body's cholesterol is stored, potentially aiding research in diabetes, obesity and longevity.

The Kanzee app

Share Clothes Through Social Network App ‘Kanzee’

Kanzee ia a social networking app that lets fashionistas share and swap clothes online.

The Hy-Cycle

Fuel Cell Bicycle Developed in Australia

Scientists from the University of New South Wales in Australia have developed a Hy-Cycle, a bicycle that is able to take users up to 125 kilometers on $2 of hydrogen and a single battery charge.

Amazon's Fire Phone

Amazon Selling Fire Phone for 99 Cents

The phone sports a 2.2 Ghz quad-core Snapdragon processor; 2 GB worth of RAM, a 13-megapixel back camera and a front camera.

Buddhist singing bowl

Tandem Solar Cells Designed After Buddhist Singing Bowls

By layering two different kinds of solar panels on top of another in tandem, an efficiency of 30 percent could be attained.


Europa, Jupiter's Moon, Demonstrates Plate Tectonics

The researchers concluded the missing portion must have somehow descended into the inside of the moon.


Samsung Gear VR Costs Like a Smartwatch on its Own

The Samsung Gear VR is essentially a smartphone accessory exclusively made for the recently unveiled Galaxy Note 4 phablet.

Blue Dinosaur

Facebook's "Privacy Checkup" is Good for Users

The user can either edit the display options or just simply delete them if they are no longer being used.

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