03/12/2025 01:35:22 pm

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Marco Foronda

Frilled Shark

Rare Frilled Shark Seen off Australia

The frilled shark is known as an archaic shark.


Scientists Find a Way to 'Read' Ancient Meteorites

The readings present researchers with a glimpse of how the magnetic core of the Earth will behave.

Safer GMO

Harvard and Yale Scientists Create New Technique for Safer GMOs

The new organism has multi-virus resistance.

Water-repellent metals

New Laser Technology Makes Water-Repellent Metals

The material is so strongly water-repellent, the water actually gets bounced off.


Supernova Dust found on Pacific Ocean Floor

The team studied plutonium-244, which serves as a radioactive clock.

Pompeii's ruins

Scientists Decipher Ancient Papyrus Texts Buried by Volcano

The most challenging part for the researchers is deciphering the words in the innermost layers of the ancient scrolls.

Elephant seal

Elephant Seals are Thriving; Return from Near-Extinction

Some 225.000 to 230.000 elephant seals head to San Mateo, California every year.

Mummy Mask

Mummy Mask Reveals 1st Century Copy of Gospel of Mark

The gospel fragment was dated by examining the handwriting and carbon dating.

New Horizons

New Horizons Probe to Start Early Observation of Pluto’s Moons

The spacecraft has seven instruments to be used for studying the dwarf planet.


Environment Shapes Immune System, Not Genetics

Genetic influences diminish in adulthood.


Pizza can be Unhealthy for Children

These new findings don't mean we should stop eating pizza.

Kennewick Man

DNA Analysis Suggests Kennewick Man was Native American

Preliminary results suggest Kennewick Man has a genetic similarity to modern Native Americans.

Cone Snails

Cone Snails Use 'Weaponized Insulin' to Hunt Fish

It can disable entire schools of fish at a time.


Long Workweek Leads to Heavy Drinking

Binge drinking is caused by frequent overtime work.

Astronauts to spend one year in space

U.S. and Russian Astronauts to Spend One Year on the ISS

Kelly and Kornienko will perform seven research experiments on the space station.

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