
Mystery Man Gives Away Cash as Social Experiment

Christl Leong   | May 26, 2014 02:30 PM EDT

A man hides cash all over San Francisco and gives tips via Twitter on how people can find it. read more

Bride Wears Heavy Weight Gold Ornaments During Extravagant Wedding In South China

Acsilyn Miyazaki   | May 26, 2014 01:42 PM EDT

An extravagant wedding was held in South China where a bride was reported to have worn 70 gold bracelets and other gold ornaments. read more

Norwegian Art Student Boils and Eats Meat from Own Hip

Katie Collom   | May 26, 2014 02:53 AM EDT

A Norwegian art student convinces doctors to let him keep his hip bone after it is removed in a medical procedure. The artist then took the bone home, boiled it, and ate the meat with a side of potatoes and a glass of wine. read more

Smokers More Likely to Quit Smoking With E-Cig - Study

Lemuel Cacho   | May 25, 2014 10:43 PM EDT

A new study released last week showed users of e-cigarettes were more likely to succeed at quitting smoking than people who use other smoking cessation products. read more

Chinese Traditional Food Zongzi Banned In 22 Countries

Acsilyn Miyazaki   | May 25, 2014 10:18 AM EDT

Traditional Chinese food Zongzi was banned in 22 countries over fears of contracting disease from its ingredients. read more

15 Dead, 5 Missing After Heavy Rains Pounded Guangdong

Acsilyn Miyazaki   | May 25, 2014 07:46 AM EDT

Fifteen people have died and five others have gone missing after heavy rains pounded China's Guangdong province triggering landslides, mudflows and heavy flooding. read more

Father Beats Daughter for Copying Homework

Christl Leong   | May 25, 2014 06:32 AM EDT

An 11-year-old girl was beaten to death by her father after the latter found that she had copied a classmate's homework. read more

Iran Hangs Billionaire Over $2.6B Bank Fraud

Katie Collom   | May 25, 2014 03:42 AM EDT

Iranian billionaire Mahafarid Amir Khosravi was hung yesterday after being convicted of taking part in Iran's largest fraud case since the 1979 Islamic Revolution. read more

Man Accused of Leaving Racist Receipt Sues Red Lobster Waitress

Katie Collom   | May 25, 2014 03:53 AM EDT

A man accused of writing the n-word on a Red Lobster receipt has filed a $1 million lawsuit against Red Lobster and the waitress who made the accusation. read more

Beijing Tightens Security in Xinjiang to Suppress Terrorism

Christl Leong   | May 25, 2014 12:46 AM EDT

Beijing launches anti-terrorism initiative after recent attacks in Xinjiang. read more

President Xi Speaks on How to Establish Regional Security

Homar Murillo   | May 24, 2014 09:30 PM EDT

No country should seek to establish security solely for itself at the expense of other countries’ security, said Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday. read more

Fewer Smoking Scenes Noted in Chinese Movies and TV Shows

Staff Reporter   | May 24, 2014 09:27 PM EDT

Although fewer smoking scenes are now seen in China-produced movies and TV dramas, China’s entertainment screens are still far from being tobacco-free, according to Xu Guihao, deputy director of the Chinese Association on Tobacco Control. read more

US Lawmakers Pressure Obama Administration to Grant Asylum to Christian Sudanese Mom Sentenced to Death

Bianca Ortega   | May 24, 2014 10:49 AM EDT

US Lawmakers are now pressuring the Obama administration to grant asylum to 27-year-old Meriam Yehya Ibrahim, a pregnant Sudanese mom who has been sentenced to death for being a Christian. read more

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